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How to eliminate breakage dushivoy cabin

The main causes of faults in the shower could be improper assembly or installation, as well as a long service life. Even very high quality and luxury products are subject to all sorts of breakdowns and it is natural. However, repair of shower enclosures can be made with your own hands simply, if you understand how to fix a number of common problems.

How to repair the shower hose

Most often in the shower hose bursts. Before, how to repair shower hose, should go to the store and buy a new one, as the easiest solution would be to replace it with a new. To do this,:

  • unscrew the watering can;
  • using special keys unscrew the nut from mixer;
  • wrap on the new faucet hose, using rubber gaskets;
  • wrap the new pipe to the watering can, in support nuts.

Positioning of the clip on the shower hose
With the help of the clamp can be repaired shower hose.

By purchasing the new hose is best to go in with the old store. This will help to buy a product with a similar thread on the nut.

If for some reason it is impossible to replace, it is necessary to find out, how to fix the shower hose. To do this, you can choose the appropriate size and diameter of the element of PVC hose and insert into leaky place or install a clamp.


How to repair the shower tray

Due to improper installation, which arises from the incorrect adjustment of the legs in the support frame or pallet due to careless operation, there may occur a crack. If you can not replace it with a new, you need to know, how to repair the shower tray.

If cracks length not exceeding 35 cm or holes no larger than 100 × 100 mm excellent solution is pouring liquid acrylic. To do this, you must purchase a repair kit for acrylic baths, which includes the liquid acrylic, hardener and abrasive laces. For repairs should:

  • broaden crack a few millimeters using grinders;
  • clear a spot repairs on a pallet on the dirt, degrease;
  • prepare a mixture of liquid acrylic and hardener, according to instructions;
  • Pour the mixture into the hole or crack;
  • remove excess mixture, Using a rubber spatula;
  • seal with tape and leave to dry;
  • remove the tape and polish the repaired place.

Eliminating the hole or crack, We need to find out and get rid of their causes. This can strengthen the pan, laying brick underneath the pillow and her bay mounting foam with low expansion.

Brick pillow shower tray
Brick cushion to protect the pallet from cracks.

How to fix the faucet in the shower

Mixer in the shower apparatus has a complicated, than other plumbing devices. The causes of failures can be a variety of factors, It is making it a frequent phenomenon. Therefore, you need to know for the normal operation, how to repair the shower in case mixer damage.


Often, many are faced with such a problem, a weak flow of water from the shower, This may be caused by clogging of the aerator. To eliminate it is necessary:

  1. remove the aerator.
  2. Rinse under water flow or blow out.
  3. Set in its place.

In the event of leakage of the spout is necessary to replace the sealing rings or rubber gaskets. To do this,:

  1. Unscrew the nut, holding the spout and remove it.
  2. Remove sleeve inside the spout together with the nut, using the hexagon.
  3. Get out of the sleeve nut.
  4. Replace sealing rings, which had deteriorated to the new.
  5. Assemble back mixer, follow the steps in reverse order.

For complex fault, which are difficult or impossible to remove, for normal operation of the complete replacement of the mixer is recommended in the shower.

When troubleshooting mixers, not recommended to use gas or adjustable wrench. All work can be carried out hands.

Repair of the siphon in the shower

Breakage siphon gives rise to bad smell in the shower. For, to repair the siphon into the shower tray, remove the screen, Unscrew the top of the trap and replace it with a new one.

Substitution siphon sewer is very time-consuming process. At the time of this type of work will need rubber gaskets and special tools. You may also need eliminating clogging bending. To do so, disassemble and clean the siphon.

How to replace a toner cartridge in the shower

If you follow the instructions, the replacement cartridge in the shower is not difficult. First we need to shut off the water from the total of the riser mixer and lift arm to the upper position. This is followed by, remove the cap from the blue and red mark, by means of a thin screwdriver. Loosen the screw underneath it is possible to remove the mixer arm.

shower cartridge
Here is the cartridge for the soul

Next, carefully loosen chrome decorative cap and nut, fixing the cartridge, using an adjustable wrench. Having cleared a seat for a cartridge, install a new. After that is necessary to make all of these processes in the reverse order.


How to replace the glass in the shower

Replacing the glass in the shower - the process is very simple, if the door, side and front window. Replacement of the rear wall involves dismantling the upper part of the shower fully, which complicates the process.

All windows are installed using sealing rubber. For, to remove the broken glass must be removed one rack cubicles, remove the seal and remove the broken glass. Install the new glass and do the same process in reverse order.

For, to eliminate the possibility of subsequent breakage of glass is recommended to protect them by means of a shock-resistant film. This method is suitable for ordinary untempered glass.

Other repairs soul

The showers can experience various problems. Many of them are related to leaks in pipelines and connections, which are hidden behind the shower panel. These types of problems is easier to prevent, than to eliminate. The panel is connected with the rear walls of the booth, and access to communications necessary to make a full dismantling. The exception is the shower box, which is not attached to the wall, and repair, therefore it made easier. To troubleshoot, related, you can simply push.

Besides, There may be minor damage, as the wear of rollers and door handles. In this case, before, how to fix a shower will not have to learn complicated instructions, since simple repairs.

Rollers shower
So look door rollers shower stall.

As a result of the aggressive impact of various means or mechanical damage may arise corrosion on metal parts. To eliminate them, you must:

  • Sanding the damaged section.
  • When a deep injury to apply avtoshpaklevku and sanding again.
  • degrease.
  • Blow out the paint from a container.

When the flow of booths required sealing equipment. Prior to this, remove old sealant and clean the frame with soap and water. dry, degrease and apply new sealant.

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4 Comments to the post "How to eliminate breakage dushivoy cabin

  1. Hello, we have flowing water in the shower switch. We want you to have repaired, himself failed. Waiting for an answer.

  2. Hello, such a reason to switch is common, especially in the Chinese booths, multi-level switch starts to drip or ceases to be switched. crane material leaves much to be desired and is not supplied disassembled and given the variety of models that it is a problem. The decision to seek such a crane or modify the system to another model of the built-in mixer, that's just the cost can cost half the price of the cab.

  3. Hello . guy is going to put all the shower cubicle in the level but after a couple of times and moved his cabin broken studs from the tray .Please be advised that you can do with this problem ?

  4. Simple option to replace a broken leg at the shower, is to take the nuts and bolts required length 100- 120 mm. usually bolt diameter 10-12 mm. Turn over the bolt head and the bottom adjustment is performed by two nuts. It's not very comfortable but shower set firmly. Under the legs themselves can substitute the plastic stoppers from bottles. Buy nuts and bolts can be in the store Leroy Merlin and the building market.

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