the main / All electrics / Wiring / How to install and connect online outlet, TV outlet and telephone

How to install and connect online outlet, TV outlet and telephone

Как устанавливаются и подключаются телефонные, интернет и ТВ розеткиVirtually all manufacturers of electrical installation systems (These include the production of switches and electrical outlets), engaged, in turn,, and even the release of other networking products:

  • television;
  • telephone;
  • network, ie online outlet.

Today we'll talk about how, how to install and connect online outlet, TV outlet and telephone.

The nuances of installation

Basically, the design of all products from the same series should be in accordance with each other - it is intended for, the buyer was able to be maintained in the integrity of its interior design ideas. That is why decided to choose a whole series of these products.

Как устанавливаются и подключаются телефонные, интернет и ТВ розетки

As for the installation of sockets, that in this respect we can say, that network, TV and telephone sockets are mounted identical, ie a similar way. Assembly rosettes Though similar, but still worth knowing some details for each of them:

  1. The first caveat is quite nice, since the voltage in the telephone and the signals on network television outlets and minimal, which ensures absolute safety of human life and health.
  2. Another nuance is, that the installation of data sockets requires special care and accuracy during connection. Particular care should be referred to the network or Internet outlets, since it is very important the correct pinout.

Enclosures are used here are the same, as in the embodiment with electrical outlets and switches.

How to connect and install the online outlet

Let's start looking at all the stages:

  1. On the back of each network or Internet sockets should necessarily is a special terminal for, to connect a standard network cable. It can be any clamping device, but most often it is in terminal block with eight coil springs. All eight pads are usually marked with a special color indicator, where each color is identical to the color of the plug wires, as it should - there are four pairs.
  2. Wiring should be thoroughly cleaned and every one to his place to fix. (See the same article about methods of connecting electric wires.)
  3. After that you need to test the functionality of the network. To do this, simply connect the computer.
  4. If the work is normal, then we can do the final touch - to fix the outlet in Enclosures.

Подключение интернет сетевого провода в клемы - цвета проводов

How to connect and install a phone jack

Almost exactly the same, but even more simply connect telephone sockets. Terminal outlets such consists of only four special connections. therefore, requires two wires of the telephone cable to connect with your contacts 2 and 3 (Wire color - red and green).

Как устанавливаются и подключаются телефонные, интернет и ТВ розетки

How to connect and install a TV outlet (TV)

As for the connection of television (TV) sockets, then first you need to know, that they are of three types:

  1. solitary. They have a small internal resistance.
  2. communicating.
  3. End. Their interconnection is increased.

And outlet end communicating commonly used in the case, If you need to install several TV outlets, not using the additional separation device. Plus such outlets is:

  1. They allow you to "unleash" several television receivers, as well as to reduce the influence of the second receiver.
  2. there is also a decent saves cable.

Yet in this type of outlet has its drawbacks:

  1. At the outlet of the system the signal level must be very large.
  2. If you can not afford it, then why not choose a single socket with signal amplifier splitter.

This device has input leads and an adapter. There is one input and multiple outputs. The adapter you need to connect to the network 220 AT, input cable to send directly to the input, and output to the outputs and on to the outlet.

On any TV outlet with its rear part must be a screw terminal contact, usually it is located in the center. It is necessary to connect the TV cable center conductor. a screen shield must be fixed with the help of special brackets.

But it is necessary to take into account, if you are working with passage outlets, these central contact will be two, as well as two brackets for fixing.

To connect the cable, must:

  1. Pre must be thoroughly cleaned to the required length. with screen braid should be cut slightly.
  2. Now connect the center conductor of the cable, and the remainder of the screen with braided stifle clamp-lock. But it is important to closely monitor the, lest there be fault braid and center conductor of the cable.
  3. Next, check the operation of connection and fix the outlet in Enclosures.

Now you can easily connect and establish their own television outlet. Stay tuned to the site apartment repair their own hands.
Also worth a look at our selection of videos on installing outlets:

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