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Sliding windows - a combination of comfort and stylish appearance

Glazed balcony or loggia can help make the room warmer, and very Portable design to use at any time of the year. You can make it extra room, or useful to use space. Considering, that the outward opening windows uncomfortable, and inside the place is small, Sliding windows to the balcony were a competent solution for glazing. The main advantages of the construction:

  • Sliding windows to the loggia, Unlike swing, do not require extra space for opening. This allows you to use the space as a shelf sill.
  • To open the window do not have to remove the objects standing on it.
  • The window in the open position will not pass partition off.
  • Moving wings occurs on guides parallel to the glazing.
  • In a strong wind the window does not swing open independently, it hits the flap and does not break.
  • The width of the open window to easily adjust. The flap will remain in that position, where you will discover its.
  • In the room outside there will not work, since the design is equipped with a special locking mechanism.

What types of structures are?

Sliding balcony windows can meet the two types of:

  • cold glazed. In this case, the room will not be warm, it temperature will differ little from the street. Balcony can be used for rest only in the warm season, so how to install it will be inexpedient heating, but the design will be well protected from the rain, therefore, suitable for storage of various items and clothes drying. Cold glass of warm much cheaper. Aluminum sliding systems for balconies, usually, cold, and if you do not plan to do the design of the hinged part of the room, this type of glazing is suitable for you best.

    Sliding windows to the balcony
    cold glazed

  • warm glazing. it is necessary, if from the balcony is scheduled to make a heated room: eg, turn it into a winter garden or recreation room, hookah, study. For high-quality glazing used
    termoizolirovannыe profiles: they are able to isolate the cold, wind, precipitation, no way inferior to the properties of plastic windows, having approximately the same characteristics. Opens this design first forward, then moved apart. It has a more complex structure, than cold, It is much more expensive.

What materials are used for sliding systems?

sliding balcony glazing It can be made from different materials. Depending on, what type of glass you want to get, structure can be aluminum, plastic, wood.

Wooden structure can be manufactured at the plant or with your hands, this can be an affordable solution for the garden of the most accessible materials or expensive enough eurowindow, made of valuable wood, having high quality modern windows. Wood - an environmentally friendly material, however, it has a number of disadvantages: her needs constant care, windows of it may crack, exposed to moisture attack, fungus, pests.

Sliding glass balconies
Wooden sash windows

Plastic sliding windows for the balcony are more practical. plastic construction, usually, It isolates heat well, It has quality windows. She is not afraid of changes in temperature, the impact of external factors. It serves much longer than plastic counterparts. The buyer can choose a warm profile, choose the glazing with the desired number of cameras; shape and dimensions of the structure have little restrictions. However, glazed balcony with sliding windows made of plastic is not always possible: the fact, that the finished structure has a large mass, and if the balcony slab is not able to sustain it, the osteklyat her chosen method can not be.

Sliding glass balconies
Plastic sliding windows

Aluminum sliding balconies systems are very popular, because they do not have the disadvantages of the two previous materials. They are light enough, not afraid of the impact of the environment, do not burn and do not melt, but also have a significant negative. Aluminum is completely prevents the escape of heat, so the design of glazed they remain cold. the situation there is a solution - buy with thermal profile, but its value will be much higher than counterparts of other materials.

Sliding windows to the balcony
Aluminum sliding windows outside

Insulated aluminum profile is not inferior to the plastic. He does not need annual maintenance, If desired, it can be painted in any color, fairly lightweight material, its thinness allows you to make an elegant balcony on almost any plate. Glazed windows can set any width, since aluminum profiles made to order.

How to choose the right design for the sliding glass balcony?

Sliding system for balcony or loggia should be selected based on several factors. Taking them into account, you can pick up the goods, that best matches the tasks, that you put in front of him.

  • Acquire a better profile in a trusted manufacturer.
  • Savings will result in an additional expenditure: as a result of cheap window will cost much more, than you bargained for.
  • you need to decide, It will be used as a balcony, regarding this to choose warm or cold glazing.
  • Sliding glazed loggias can be equipped with insect nets. They may also be sliding.
  • Professional installation will be the guarantor of the quality system works.

Conclusion: sliding systems for windows are a convenient solution, especially for rooms, does not have sufficient space for the opening of the sash. They will provide a comfortable temperature in the glazing of balconies, will expand its functionality.



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