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What is the sliding windows and where they apply

Sliding windows - a convenient solution for rooms, space is limited. Quite often they are used for balconies and loggias, Recently, however, construction has become an urgent Cabinet, rooms, other premises, as manufacturers have learned to make them airtight. The design is suitable for opening in tight spaces, It does not affect the windowsill, which can be used as a shelf.

What types of structures are?

Modern sliding windows may be of different designs, and manufacturers offer the following options:

  • vertical: resemble the structure of the cabinet door coupe, are the most convenient and widespread. Moving the structure occurs due to the guide rail and. To doors open, Wall space is required, as it moves towards, beyond the window construction.
  • Sliding windows: They operate in a similar manner, however, the flap does not go for the redivision of the design.
  • Tilt-sliding types: It opens like a bus door with a shift towards, then in the side. This is due to the special fittings. This design most tight, movement occurs parallel to the profile; may be aligned with blind doors.

    Sliding windows
    First leaf out of the plane, and then goes in the direction of

  • Tilt-sliding model: It does not open in a horizontal, and in a vertical plane. Thanks to the special mechanism of the fixation. construction convenient, if there is no place for the opening side.

Which material is selected for the glazing?

Manufacturers offer different options Joinery. Material selection should depend not only on the cost of the, but also from tasks, that glazing must comply. for example, If you only need protection from snow, of wind, trash, and you do not plan to insulate a balcony, you fit the usual sliding aluminum windows.

sliding aluminum windows
Sliding aluminum windows

aluminum is durable, requires no maintenance, It does not suffer from corrosion, However, he does not hold heat, if the frame has not thermobridge. This material is available for insulation, the price of which is low.

Council: the choice of a conventional aluminum frame is not necessary to install it glazing. Heat still will not stay in the room, why pay more for the quality of the glass there is no point.

Sliding aluminum windows are well suited for the construction of terraces, who because of their age can not withstand a heavy load. Glazing is lightweight and does not require amplification. Appearance frames pleasant, visually they do not design slimmer, if necessary, they can be painted in any color, which will fulfill the original design decision.

Sliding aluminum windows
Aluminum sliding windows

But do not expect, such that the frame can isolate heat and noise. Aluminum is not suitable for this purpose, however such a frame can be used on balconies, It is not planned to be attached to the dwelling-house. Cold glass can protect from rain, if obscure glass, it can protect the structure from the sun, performs the glazing and protective function of the garbage. If you want to warm the balcony, you should consider aluminum frames with thermal or pay attention to other materials.

For warm glazing often use sliding plastic windows. Plastic construction without drawbacks aluminum. It is well suited for the protection of premises, not only of natural phenomena, such, as precipitation, but also from the effects of low temperatures. The plastic frame may be insulation, well it keeps the heat inside the room, isolates noise. Choosing this type of glazing, you can order a glass unit, from whose thickness will depend on the heat- and sound insulation properties of the product.

Sliding plastic windows
Sliding plastic windows insulated balcony

Council: sliding windows for the balcony necessarily complete fat 3 glazing, best fit double. He will be able to perform tasks on warming, prevent construction be frozen even with heavy frost, thus it will not be significantly overestimated design weight.

Sliding plastic windows are often used for balconies, which is planned to be turned into a part of the dwelling. Such designs isolate external environment. You will be able to hold on to the balcony heating, that will work effectively. Great choice of open systems will help you choose the design, most convenient for you and suitable for space, that you have.

sliding plastic windows
Sliding plastic window system

Another positive side of the plastic - it is durability: material did not suffer from moisture, temperature changes, other negative factors. The only drawback of the structure can be called a large mass, because of which the old and decrepit balconies it is not recommended to install.

wooden glazing

This type is suitable as a cold, Since conventional wooden frame has enough slots and is equipped with ordinary glass, which is not able to retain heat or noise. If you want high-quality warm glazing, while wood, there is a solution - install eurowindows. This is a fairly expensive option, It made such a frame in the factory and supplied with modern double-glazed windows, similar to those, which are placed in plastic frame. Eurowindow may be made of different wood, that affects the technical characteristics of the final product.

There is also a low-cost version of the wooden Joinery, it is often used as a holiday, or create an inexpensive cold glass on its own if necessary. To do this, use the wooden beams and the usual glass, are inserted into a homemade frame. this option is not recommended for apartment, because it has an unattractive appearance.

The wooden box has a number of disadvantages, regardless of, factory or not. You will have to monitor the safety of construction, regularly to paint it and varnish, special structures to protect from pests. Wood does not like changes in temperature and moisture, will start to rot or crack. The mass of such glass is sufficiently high, especially if used not fully dried wood.

Conclusion: PVC sliding window is the best solution. warm glazing transform a balcony to the maximum usable space, while the price is acceptable profile, and the quality is high.



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