the main / Floor / Leveling the floor / self-leveling floor / Types rovniteleley for floor leveling

Types rovniteleley for floor leveling

Currently, it is easy to align the surface of the floor on their own. You do not need to seek professional help, pay them money for work. It is enough to observe the casting technology, and will not only smooth, but also very durable surface. Furthermore, it is important to adhere to the sequence of work when using pre-mixes.


When necessary fill rovnitelem floor, not everyone will know about, what kind of material and what qualities he has. Most of it is implemented in the form of dry mixes, which are packed in bags of a certain amount. They may have as a main component of cement, gypsum, polymer cement or polymer-gypsum. So that they can be used when pouring for planarizing, it is only necessary to add the required amount of clean water. It is water and acts as a solvent.

There are two main types of mixtures for alignment:

  1. rough rovniteli (roughing finishing the floor surface).
  2. finishing rovniteli (when the final base screed).

    Rovniteli floor
    Features rovniteley

It is worth noting, that blister layer using rovnitelya more often than not remains one. Arrange on top of his already topcoat. These actions are necessary to make the floor smooth.

Rough cement mixture Volma

In any case it is important to observe the technology and look roviteley specifications for floor screed.

Leveling base should be strong and stable. Screed cement- Peschannaja to "age" - at least 28 day, concrete - not less 3 months, strength of at least M120, humidity - no more than 4 %. Substrate Temperature 5-30 ° C

specifications ravnitelya Volma
Specifications ravnitelya Volma ( rude)

Mixtures can also be a large fraction. This is done to speed execution of works on the surface of the alignment. Enough solution and stir to installation,. Krupnofraktsionnye that all items have been hidden and are not visible, final device used self-leveling floor. Finish plays a significant role in obtaining an ideal result. This indicates, that even if, when laying the floor heating is carried out, the thickness of the last layer to be insignificant, within a few millimeters. Because here the main purpose - creating a smooth surface.


Eunice floor fillers

The base should be strong and dry, load-bearing. It is necessary to remove dust from the surface, paint coatings, oil, tar spots and other dirt prevent bonding with the surface.

Treat "UNIS" surface of the base primer 1-2 layer. Do not allow dust primed surfaces.

Before applying the vertical surfaces along the perimeter of the premises of the solution must be laid edge band for leveling floors. Belt width is selected depending on the intended thickness of the leveling layer.

Before applying the solution mixture to set on the base beacons and adjust them to a desired layer thickness with layer.

The drying time of the floor and laying of floor coverings:

Tile 10 mm - 3 day, 50 mm - 7 day

parquet, laminate, polymer coating and paint 10 mm - 7 day, 50 mm - 21 day

Drying time specified floor, provided the base and ambient temperature 20 ° C, humidity 65%

Eunice rovniteli
Eunice new types of self-leveling floors and rovniteley
Rovniteli floor
Scope rovniteley


Security measures

If you want to make the alignment of the floor surface, these works are carried out after the completion of the ceiling, if any planned. Thus it is necessary to comply with certain of safety precautions.

  1. All wiring must be de-energized when the pouring. This will avoid short circuit.
  2. To the quality of work remains high, all the recommendations from the manufacturer must be complied with. Guide fully reflects the demands, that apply to the process of kneading and drying after pouring.
  3. It is not superfluous to use the headdress, and eyewear.
  4. Indoors with a mixture temperature should be within +10 – +25 degrees. Also, the humidity level should not be more 95%. The same applies to the requirements after the works. During the first two days can not avoid the appearance of drafts indoors. Screed must dry out evenly and without undue pressure.
  5. Alkaline reaction occurs when using mixtures, having as a base cement. For this reason, it would be better to use the rubber gloves.
  6. All base and prepared surface should have a certain level of humidity. When the priming layer must be completely dry. Only then you can begin to fill rovniteley.

This is just basic safety standards. For each case should be treated individually, not only to work performed at the highest level, but also the singer had no damage, impacts on health.


Quality alignment to some extent, will depend on, as far as quality is made the base preparations. By this stage you should make every effort. no dirt, dust, trash, must not be. Existing areas of paint, varnish should be cleaned using a sander or sandpaper.Rovniteli floor

In the presence of cracks on the subfloor, they expand, are stripped, primed to the desired number of layers for better adhesion. Thereafter the filling them with a solution prepared by. You can use self-leveling mixture for rapid drying and better.

It is worth noting, that performed screed over the floor heating can. Enough to stick to only certain requirements. The whole system should not be included until dry grouted. There are some features for electrical and water underfloor.

You can not forget about beacons. In small area smokers in their use as self-tapping, which are screwed to a certain level at the base. According to the head of the screws is stretched fishing line. If the room large in size, the better results it will bring metal profiles.Rovniteli floor

For quenching the cast solution deformation rovnitelya indoor damper tape is fixed on the perimeter. It is very required in new buildings. The tape is attached not only to the walls, but also to the existing decorative elements (column).

Damper tape technology
Mount Technology demfirnoy tape

When the surface is cleaned and prepared, it is applied to the primer layer. It allows to reduce the rate of moisture withdrawal from the solution in base, as well as increase the level of adhesion. As a material for priming can use regular potting soil for floors. Alternative acts acrylic primer, having an aqueous base.

Several layers of primer is recommended for concrete screed and boards. In some cases, you can even purchase special types of primers. Anyway, in the instructions on the package spelled out all the details of execution of works and the range of use. If rovnitel stacked in multiple layers, before each of them made priming.Rovniteli floor

Often the question arises, associated with the, you need net screed floor heating. This is not necessary for the reason, rovnitel that is poured over the entire system. Consequently, all the conditions for alignment is present, and additional help is not necessary. The grid is most often used for the removal of any surface defects after drying.

Determining the level of

The surface should be flat and smooth turn. For this we need to begin to determine the level in the room. It can be done in the form of markings on the walls, Using a water level. More accurate figures provide laser level, true, not everyone has the opportunity to apply it in.

When using a water-level sequence of operations is as follows:

  1. Is an arbitrary mark on the wall, from which payments will be made.
  2. One flask of water is brought to the risk, and the second person carries the second flask to the other wall, which also notes indications. All of them will be located on one level.
  3. All risks must be connected by horizontal lines without deviation.
  4. It sets the lowest and the highest level, if we make calculations from scratches to the subfloor. Thus we obtain for the thickness of the alignment layer.

    Rovniteli floor
    Using water level

underfloor filling height will depend on the thickness of the pipe system, and set upper and lower limits of the base.

floor razmerka laser level
Determine the level of the floor faster course laser level

Mixing the solution

After the installation of beacons along the floor space can be ready to start kneading the dry blend with the necessary amount of water. Work perform better in pairs - one pours, second leveled throughout the room.

To begin preparing the desired volume capacity, which is filled with clean water. After that, the mixture is poured and thorough mixing occurs. To work, you can use a drill, running at low revs. No lumps or dry mixture should be left. The solution requires the homogeneous.

If the water gets a different trash, branches, lice, etc., then later on they will have to get rid of almost not real without the top finishing layer damage. This indicates, it should pay attention to these points when mixing the solution.

rovnitelya floor device becomes thicker in the basic version, than in the finish coating. If the water is a lot, the solution begins to foam, and the strength after setting down at times. We'll have to repair self-leveling floor.

When a mixture of water and is connected to the ready, it will pour, starting from the farthest corner of the room. Since the dense base layer is obtained, it is not superfluous to independently distribute over the surface with a spatula. He moves on established beacons back and forth. All these subtleties will help us to answer the, how to pour the floor rovnitelem.Rovniteli floor

There are certain subtleties, allowing to get rid of the bubbles formed on the surface. For this purpose the aeration roller. The length of its needle should be about 1-2 mm longer, layer than fill inlet floor. It is necessary to pay attention to what, which solution is suitable to correct for one half hour after mixing. It was during this time frame is necessary to meet, to get a flat surface without flaws.

Rovnitel after casting requires care. Drying should take place smoothly and without further assistance. For this purpose a film of polyethylene, which covered the entire surface.

It is necessary to examine carefully the foundation, To answer the question of whether, Do screed need blister under floor heating. If the surface will have a variety of defects and errors, it is better to be leveled to the ideal, to the floor warming in the future it is uniform.

finishing alignment

Finishing rovnitelem floor leveling is carried out at a sufficiently flat surface to produce a smooth or self-leveling floor. All work is carried out in a similar manner, as in the roughing device. Rovniteli floorDue to the more grout, begin to appear some of the subtleties in the work:

  • Thorough priming. Sometimes even have to arrange a layer of waterproofing, if it is high-rise building.
  • You can do without beacons, as the mix in the final form is distributed independently on the area in the room.
  • Rovniteli in this situation arranged small layer of a few millimeters.
  • final solution temperature must not fall below 10 degrees.
  • It is best to perform a fill in one step, without interruption. When large areas of the premises in the tedious assistants.

All work on the use of rovniteley for leveling the floor in any room, you can perform on their own, without the involvement of specialists. More time and effort spent on training grounds and nominations of lighthouses in the required amount. Finishing alignment is not required, if the floor covering is used (parquet, laminate, etc.).







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