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The correct choice of electric underfloor heating

The number of installed underfloor electric type growing. This is due to their low cost and wide range of products, which can be found in the construction market. But not everyone knows about, what kind of option to choose a warm floor. There are other than electric, still water. Still, you should stop your eyes is the first option, where there is a sufficient number of species, which may be stacked depending on specific conditions and the chosen variant of flooring. Even then you need to know about, a warm floor is better presented.

electrical system

This heating system in the house is the most popular in these areas, like bathroom, food, restroom. Selection electric underfloorThe installation process does not require serious efforts, and the cost of slightly lower water analog. Installation is best to start in a new building, when not yet begun to carry out works.

Besides the usual classic electric heating system warm floor maybe even infrared. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, and where necessary to make the right choice in favor of a particular option. In the classical electric floor heating performance is presented in the form of a heating cable mat or, and in the second case - Film floors.

On the final decision will have an impact, and the room itself, selected floor. It is not always only one option will be universal in each case. By the choice should be approached individually, knowing, which electric floor heating is better.

cable floor

Beginning to understand that, electric floor heating which would be best for each situation, should consider the cable floor. The main components of this type of electrical underfloor heating, which can be selected for indoor installation - electrical wiring. But they are made of special alloy component. This is due to the fact, that they have the ability to convert electrical energy into heat, which subsequently spent on heating the subfloor and the room air.

Selection electric underfloor
Embodiments of the electric floor heating

The entire flow of heat from the system can be arranged to adjust. For this purpose, thermoregulator, that comes underfloor. It is also mandatory for indoor installations. Without it, home heating system will not be fully operational.

The main advantages are the following moments:

  • The period of the operation they are much longer can operate and transfer heat to the room, than water underfloor analogues.
  • The low level of energy consumption during operation. In the process of heating a house space to expend energy no more, than from the usual household appliances.
  • Versatility. It points to its ability to be laid under any kind of natural flooring.
  • The possibility of overheating of the system under normal use, since it does not use any fittings.

But, in spite of this, not to mention about the cons, which can be a hindrance to the future owners of electric underfloor heating. First of all it is necessary to mention the possibility of electromagnetic radiation from work underfloor heating. In addition to the installation process will have to spend a few, to get a good result. Yes, and possession of a certain experience in this area will not interfere.Selection electric underfloor

When purchasing heating cable system underfloor heating should be paid to such points, as checking product conformity certificates. There is allocated basic standard ISO 14000. If you do this will be provided for the acquired cable, it will be a full guarantee of environmentally friendly materials production. Here you can not forget the presence of both the certificate - KIMA, it will also indicate the quality of the purchased product.

The film version

This embodiment of the electric floor heating based on the full operation of the carbon film, which heats up and transfers heat into the building for heating and air subfloor. When the system is connected to the power supply, is emitted infrared rays of long, as well as anions, considered negative ions.

As emitter film in embodiment electric underfloor, which can be selected in the hardware store for indoor installation, acts carboxylic (carbon) pasta. It is applied in the form of curved parallel strips relative to each other. Also curved bands, they may be straight parallel to each other. If you choose more expensive options for floor heating, then film is applied to them vsploshnuyu.Selection electric underfloor

For supplying electric current correspond copper-silver conductors. All the workers and the main part of the infrared film are sealed with two layers of polyester. Used for connection to the power supply thermoregulator. But how to choose a warm floor in a particular situation? There is no universal version, since each case is approached individually. Referring to the skilled, they will give a more detailed answer and advise what type of heating selected in a particular room. After all, the market is not only a large number of species, but manufacturers, each of which wants to lure to their side a greater number of buyers.

Among the large number of positive qualities Infrared floor heating you can highlight the main ones:

  1. Universal floor covering. There are no subtleties no. You can select a ceramic tile or linoleum, tantamount to spreading it on the ground floor in the room.
  2. It is possible to make a mobile. To this end it is attached to a carpet in a room on the lower side. It can be laid in winter, and clean during the summer.
  3. easy installation and resistance to various mechanical influences.
  4. Efficiency and security in the use.Selection electric underfloor

But it is impossible not to mention the disadvantages, which can push in the selection:

  • Application of special connector, compressed flat press, to provide a contact surface between the wire and the used film.
  • Hidden contacts in large numbers. Before the beginning mounting conducted testing of the system on the performance. In the process of all flooring planks should carefully monitor, not to damage the infrared heated floor.

For specific choices of flooring has its own characteristics of the film packing. So, for ceramic tiles You should use special glue, designed for floor heating systems. The layer thickness of the adhesive should not fall below 15 mm.

This version of the floor heating is actively used not only to heat the subfloor in the room, but also the ceiling and walls. In addition to living quarters they are actively used in kindergartens, hospitals or hotels. Here, the main component - the healthy heat. Some of it belongs to this category, as the best electric floor heating.

Intelligent electric field

Modern solution for the best underfloor heating elements are opaque. This system is extremely reliable in service, having to the same and a high level of environmental safety. It is commonly called intellectual electric underfloor heating.Selection electric underfloor

The main components of this type of floor heating - carbon rods. They are initially connected to each other, followed by a connection to the network and set the room thermostat.

Immediately discuss the benefits of using mats for the heating in the room:

  1. The effect of self-regulation, Lets forget about the need to distribute the furniture in the room. Even if the mats are closed bulky items or appliances, then any effect, they will not be able to prove to the entire system. Overheating or damage to the floor heating individual portion is not.
  2. The high degree of environmental friendliness, when compared with other possible types of underfloor heating.
  3. For finishing rods of carbon can be used classic tie or tile adhesive. In the latter case, the flooring tiles may be selected, granite, marble etc.
  4. installation of the system in a high humidity level smokers, on the terraces, entrance and similar embodiments.

The main drawback of the work on the basis of a system of rods - high cost, that immediately deters many potential buyers. Besides, very likely to buy on the market counterfeiting. Everyone wants to sell low-quality products under the guise of global brand.Selection electric underfloor

It is worth noting, what editing process this type of floor heating is not unlike the technology implementation water underfloor. The pipeline is laid on a prepared base in a water floor, and is used here instead heating cable. On top of the fill will only produce concrete screed and floor covering.

If necessary, the mats may be cut in the desired direction and amount. The main thing to strictly follow a designated line, available at design. In this case, the cable remains intact and undamaged. They are most suitable in the case, when there is a need to leave unchanged the distance between the ceiling and the floor. true, in such a case should be abandoned screed.

Criterias of choice

TO selection electric underfloor It needs to be taken with full responsibility. At the same time it provides for specific rules, allows you to make a choice in favor of a particular option.

Selection electric underfloor
Embodiments device underfloor

To get started is to decide on the, it will be primary or secondary source of heat in the room. Even there are some points and nuances, are worth paying attention to:

  • Characteristics and features of the room, wherein assembling the chosen variant produced electric underfloor.
  • The presence or absence of a "smart" management, Allows you to create a comfortable environment without the personal involvement.
  • The selected option flooring.
  • Old electrical wiring in the home. The voltage should be maintained with engineering systems. Otherwise, from the work of a warm floor will be no effectiveness.


That the choice of the heating system and its amount was made easier, should be used underfloor heating calculator. For the final decision should choose flooring, only room, where the installation is carried out, square, which should be warm, and the availability of opportunities to reduce the distance from the ceiling to the floor in the room. All these data will be processed, and as a result - will be given options for heating systems from different manufacturers.Selection electric underfloor

Power refers to the ability to transmit the floor system most amount of heat. In addition, you can easily calculate the amount of, you have to spend to carry out installation work, including the cost of purchasing equipment.

All these details and a description of each particular help to answer the question of whether, a warm floor will be the best, depending on the conditions of installation. There is no doubt that, that in the end will turn out really high-quality design, is able to transfer heat from the floor and the base of the whole room.






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