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Infrared floor heating installation technology

All dwellings must have a certain level of heat for a comfortable stay. There are several main types of heating, including the practicality and efficiency in the infrared has Heated floor. He has a number of positive qualities. installation process does not take much time and does not require major expenses. The most important thing, that in the end it turns warm up base, in which a nice walk.

Principle of operation

The novelty of the infrared radiant floor has no. But a little earlier demand such systems, such as electric and water warm floor. All of them depend on the coolant and the order of premises heating. The infra-red heat the floor is used to supply heat to the room infrared. This allows you to transfer heat objects in the room, from which the air is already heated.

The basis of the system - carboxylic paste, which is sealed into the film, made of a polyester. Sometimes you can see this name as the carbon fiber floor heating, that happened of the components.

Installation of infrared heat-insulated floor

Its working principle is, that voltage is applied to the emitters of the conductors of copper. Contact thus can not burn slightly due to the presence of the silver spray. To connect the network with the use of thermostats, included in the system.Installation of infrared heat-insulated floor

It should also be defined with the specification, which has Infrared Heated floor. Moreover, they may suggest the amount of material needed for heating the device.

The width may vary from 50 to 100 cm. Sold in rolls to the floor 50 m and the thickness of each sheet 0.23 to 0.47 mm. The film may have different power consumption by 25 to 35 W / h. On the surface temperature of the film is created, equal 33 degrees. Much will depend on the system configuration.

Application area

Heated floor Infrared film can act as a basic or supplemental heating system. In the first case, the film must cover at least 70 percent of the total area of ​​the sub-floor in the room. Installation of infrared heat-insulated floorIn the northern regions of the country from it should be abandoned, because it is the best option here - additional heating or emergency.

You can not arbitrarily cut the shrink film. There are special sites, to create the necessary number of length. In most marked for cut portions are separated by a distance of about 25 cm. All the details and nuances should clarify before purchasing, not to spend extra money.

In addition to living quarters, Infrared film warm floor can be arranged in the farm building, in which there is no possibility to carry out central heating. As they can act garages, sheds or greenhouses. He is actively used during the cold period heating porch or prevent freezing of the pipeline.


A number of positive qualities does infrared heat-insulated floor under any kind flooring. It should highlight the most basic of them:Installation of infrared heat-insulated floor

  • Is completely safe for humans and the.
  • Perform installation can be for any kind of floor covering. In addition, there is a possibility and in the presence of a stretch ceiling in the room. surface, where you are installing such a system, It may be not only strictly horizontal, but also vertical, positioned at an angle, and all any other options.
  • It is possible to carry out an immediate dismantling of the system and subsequently install elsewhere. This is very important if you frequently move or creating another plan in the room.
  • Carbon has an excellent thermal conductivity. Installation of infrared heat-insulated floorThereby significantly reducing energy consumption. Any other types of heating in the house will cost much more expensive to maintain.
  • Parallel connection of all components, that provides high reliability when using the IR underfloor heating. If even one of the sites receive damage or fail, all others will be fully operational.
  • Installation can be performed in-house without the involvement of experts. Not necessarily make screed, or to lay the tile adhesive beneath.


when a warm floor under the laminate instructions from the manufacturer must be followed without deviation. It is there prescribed all details, which will lead to error installation of floor heating. There are two main systems of the infrared heat-insulated floor:Installation of infrared heat-insulated floor

  1. film. The film protects the whole system against moisture, as well as from possible electrical breakdown. Its weight is about 0.5 kg, that does not affect the ceiling. Consequently, even old buildings can be rehabilitated Infrared warm floors. Additionally, the film may be laid on the walls in the room and even on the ceiling.
  2. rod. Its composition is as follows, that allows you to organize in mortar or adhesive for the tiles. The core model is suitable for rooms with high humidity, which can be bathrooms or kitchens. Installation of infrared heat-insulated floorIn its operation process generates almost no electromagnetic radiation. Unlike film model - no fear of overheating, availability of properties of self-regulation. On top of the core models can be installed bulky furniture, do not allow themselves to film.

The film is further divided into carbon (the heating strips are interconnected in parallel, then sealed in mylar film) or bimetallic (base - polyurethane, heating elements - an alloy of copper and aluminum).

When selecting a particular embodiment, ceiling height remains virtually unchanged, that can not be said about other possible systems, requiring a thick structure of the device.

The device core model is as follows: Composite material for heating elements. With increasing temperature graphite, It is the components of the model, increases and increases the space between the grains. Contact points becomes smaller, It begins to increase resistance and reduced power, which can be independently calculate.

Control systems

To control the infrared heated floor is used thermostats. So called special device, allows you to manage all the possible functions of the heating system. It is used to switch the system on and off it, allows you to monitor the temperature behavior is not only the subfloor and room air.

You can program your particular operating mode. These are the regulators allow some to reduce the power consumption.

When warm floor a laminate of instructions reaches a certain temperature, Time stops. But over time, the sensors give a signal that, that the temperature has fallen below an acceptable level. Here the work of the heating system starts again.

Installation of infrared heat-insulated floor
Infrared heated floor management

Allocate the following thermostats models:

  • electronic. They are characterized by high accuracy of reading. At the same time it is very easy and convenient to manage.
  • Electromechanical. Are among the reliable and at the same time cheaper options. The most optimal option for bathrooms or industrial premises.
  • programmable. Characterized by complexity and high cost. They are necessary if there is a desire to create complex algorithms in work Infrared floor heating. This option is best suited for premises (cottages, country houses).

Thermostats should be installed in places, which allows you to conveniently use them at work. Often - on the walls in the room. The main thing is to competently and efficiently perform the installation of the entire heating system.

Substrate preparation

Laying infrared floor under the laminate, as well as a different kind of flooring, It requires a very high-quality training. The base should be not only a steady, but clean. There are limits inclines, but not more 3 mm. To check the horizontal surface, used building level. If necessary, it carried out a thorough alignment of all possible ways.Installation of infrared heat-insulated floor

When this is done, You can proceed to the deck layer waterproofing. Material for it may vary depending on the flooring, which will act as a finishing. For ceramic tiles is best to buy a technical cork. All other floor coverings are not as demanding. But it is better to apply a special insulation systems for underfloor heating infrared. Metallized side to be laid up. On joints glued tape.

The scheme of packing

Before the beginning mounting should think about the place of location of the thermostats. From floor level is usually fastened at a distance 15 cm. then possible to start thinking through circuit stacking infrared underfloor film. Necessarily take into account the absence of the system installation for bulky furniture or household appliances.Installation of infrared heat-insulated floor

The walls must be maintained away from 10 to 40 refer to the first row. As for the occupied area on the basis of sex, it should be 70 percent in the case of its use as a primary heating and 40% - for additional heating in the room.

system connection

Film infrared floor heating decomposes starting from a previously chosen circuit in thermal insulation. If necessary, the exact choice of length, it is cut in certain areas, which are marked on the material. Laying laminate floor under infrared and other flooring made of copper contact side down towards the wall, where the thermostat.Installation of infrared heat-insulated floor

pin terminal connected to an edge portion copper strip, after which wires themselves. In those places, where the section of the film was carried out, or connect the contacts, should be treated with mastic asphalt, specifically intended for infrared heat-insulated floor. The number of contacts will be reduced proportionally to the length of the web heating system. But it is necessary to take into account, that the band can be a maximum length 8 m. Some contacts will be positioned inside the film. Bunting spacing should be at least 5 mm. All of them should be placed under the floor parallel to each other.Installation of infrared heat-insulated floor

To the bottom of the film connects temperature level sensor. At the same time it must be qualitatively isolated. When the flooring is formed on a base film, and are connected to all the contacts, you can install thermostat. Part of the connecting wires is better to resort to the floor plinth, to hide from view. Further there is a system of electrical connection.


When infrared film Heated floor connected to a network, you can start testing it on rabotospobnost. This is done before the flooring floor covering. For normal operation should include the lack of sincerity, at the contact connection should not raise the temperature up to overheating, film over the entire length of the same and warmed at one temperature level.

When the system test is successful, film must perform a flooring made of polyethylene for added waterproofing. Further it is possible to start laying a floor covering.

Types of flooring

It is worth noting, that may perform infrared Heated floor under any type of floor covering. Due to this, it can be attributed to the universal methods of heating in the room. In addition to classical ceramic tiles, you can choose a laminate, wood and soft materials, as a carpet or linoleum.Installation of infrared heat-insulated floor

The most popular option - Infrared warm floor under the tile. This is due to the high thermal conductivity of not only the floor heating, but the flooring. Besides these basic premises, where it is used tile, as the bathroom or kitchen, require additional heat. But in this case it is best to choose a core system of floor heating device. In this case, you can even resort "wet" installation. Installation can be done, including a granite. The most important thing, It was used to heat-reflecting pad, allowing to increase the efficiency of the overall system.

During the installation of underfloor heating systems, there is some lifting of the floor. To the system was normal adhesive layer, including the mat thickness must be used 20 mm. Otherwise, the quality of the floor heating will not reach. Tiles will be firmly secured, but will warm up the subfloor is uneven.Installation of infrared heat-insulated floor

For other types of flooring suitable film unit method. Yes, and they are not very demanding. But it will have to refuse to carry out a concrete screed or other options, and adhesive.

For carpet or other soft flooring materials have a very important point - at the top of the entire heating system of infrared heat-insulated floor should lay a sheet of plywood or fiberboard sheet.

It is worth noting, that the film is very sensitive to even local overheating. This leads to, it is forbidden to put her bulky furniture. So you should consider pre, where they will be placed the furnishings in the room.






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