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Sticking wallpaper in the corners

Wallpapers are one of the most accessible materials for finishing even very high quality and smooth walls. They are perfect spots to hide irregularities and even distortions. But glue them on absolutely curved surface hard uncomfortable, sometimes even impossible. So the first thing you need to maximize align all the sections of the wall, and corners should be given the most attention. If other parts of the walls of fabric wallpaper coating adhesive impregnation acquired elasticity and could stretch, the curves for both internal corners, and external surprises are not excluded as distortions and large folds.

Even on a perfectly smooth corners sometimes there are difficulties. Therefore, before starting work should be well prepared for pasting wallpaper in the corners.

Where to begin to glue?

Scheme gluing oboev
Scheme gluing oboev

Many people recommend the window, and someone from the door. In reality there is no difference, if not to take into account past trends, When the wallpaper had a special edge to overlap. Because of what they had to be glued with an overlap of not less than 1 cm. In this case, the best option was sticking it on the far wall with a window. So there was no visible seams at the entrance to the room. Today, wallpaper manufactured without this edge, and glue them back to back recommended. Wallpapering in the corners is not different from the smooth spaces.

The first thing you should decide, what are the wallpaper and glue as required for impregnation:

  • Paper required mild impregnation and pre-greasing Wall.
  • Vinyl require a good soaking, especially when pasting them at the corners, because they are quite thick and dense.
  • Wallpaper on non-woven backing require soaking only the walls.

Instruments used for pasting wallpaper.

Often drawing on the wallpaper is applied, which is resistant to mechanical damage. Therefore, a special rubber roller or brush is required for their smooth.

Finishing the interior angles

Having dealt with the types of fabrics and amount of adhesive can begin to work. If the wallpaper began to be glued on the angle, then compulsorily with a long level and a metal ruler markings must be applied in the form of a vertical line.

wallpaper in the corners

It must be so, when glueing the sheet to lay with an angle of volvulus 2-3 cm. The inner angle is less noticeable, so if there is formed a small overlap, it is not very noticeable.

As pokleit wallpaper in the corners
As pokleit wallpaper in the corners

When glueing the sheet web edge turned out not direct, then it can be cut with the help of wallpaper or the mounting of the knife. Thus after each incision blade break off recommended. Otherwise, the next time they use will occur bully and tears.

Angle is the place, which are most susceptible to peeling wallpaper on the wall. Therefore we should not here to feel sorry for glue, the best option would be a pre-impregnation of the surface in several layers.

For reliable sizing angles use a special glue. PVA glue is perfect.

Wallpapering on the outer corners

Rules pasting wallpaper on the outer corners are a perfect fit in canvas. There will not pass variant with overlapping, because it will be clearly visible. A better option is the "incision". But that you arrange the outer corner, its surface must be.glue the wallpaper on the corners

Further, It is recommended to lubricate the surface of the wall in several layers of glue. If necessary, use a brush, because it is often impossible to roll to penetrate into small cracks. Pre-impregnated cloth adhered on the bend angle with the second wall 2-3 cm. Thus practically always formed uneven edge of the sheet. This is due to the geometry of the walls and not ideality. A second sheet of wallpaper is glued with an overlap in the previous 5-8 cm. It's necessary, to him it was possible to comfortably take in removing.

Then, using the plumb, and it is better to use a long level, produced cut both webs mounting a new blade knife.

It is not worth saving, because at the blades become dulled on the surface can be formed teaser, that would be a very unattractive.

After incision of the extra piece is removed, and gently come unstuck edges of stacked sheets. Because it is removed by the cut residue, wallpaper and glued into place. you can add the glue, if necessary.

Finishing of corners

Finishing corners after wallpapering is seaming joints using a rubber roller and leveling special spatula.

Rolling joints and corners with a roller
Dripping the joints and corners with a roller

They also can be gently flatten the wallpaper on external and internal corners. Here, the main thing, do not overdo it, because you can easily damage the wallpaper at pressing tool.
This video will help you understand all the nuances of the implementation of wallpapering in the corners.

A selection of videos Wallcovering in the corners





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