the main / All the repair / Walls / Wallpaper, cork. How to glue cork wallpaper on the wall correctly

Wallpaper, cork. How to glue cork wallpaper on the wall correctly

Too many people, want to do at home is not only beautiful and high-quality repairs, but also, that it was made from environmentally friendly materials. One of the most important factors in this repair of apartments, is an okleyka and Wallpaper selection. Most of the wallpaper on the market today can not answer the environmental quality requirements, and mostly renovated with conventional wallpaper is still an unpleasant smell for a while. Yet out of this situation is - cork wallpaper. true, This option is more expensive and time-consuming, because the usual way such pokleit wallpaper is not. But if you know all the nuances of the case, it is possible to cope with this work without too much difficulty. As for the cost of such material, that is to say, This material justifies all its costs. So that, if you want to get a good repair, you should get rid of all doubts have emerged.

Cork material for walls can be of two types - a roll (the so-called "cork wallpaper") and plates. But do not be afraid in advance when choosing a particular type of, because they are glued exactly the same.

The first step is to prepare all the means at hand, you may need before you glue the cork wallpaper on the wall correctly:

1. Knife and scissors for cutting Drywall.
2. ruler, preferably metal.
3. Comb with a small tooth glue application.
4. Spatula overlaying adhesive. It is best to take small.
5. Pencil.
6. Plumb bob or spirit level.
7. rag.

How to glue cork wallpaper

Как клеить пробковые обои фото, правильная поклейка пробковых обоевBefore the glue cork wallpaper, make sure, your wall smooth, processed and ready to go, that is, a wallpapering. It should be understood, that the wall must be absolutely flat, because after gluing cork all the irregularities and flaws will be very evident, so it pays to take care of it in advance, so you do not regret what was done. But a strong wall putty, not necessary. You can simply do lighthouse home with plaster or putty. In this case, you can not use at all putties, but should be primed surface soil or flaws.

Cork wallpaper pasting begins with the acquisition of a special adhesive for cork or a similar adhesive composition. You can also select and acrylic adhesive, but then sticking may resemble gluing tiles. Here it is necessary to apply the adhesive on the wall using a comb and strongly pressed against the wall cork boards.

It is important to know, that when working with cork wallpaper, they can not flex and deform, as well as to glue them to the corners overlap - all this is very important. Glue this material should only be butt, and cut a very strong pair of scissors.

Due to the dense packing of cork wallpaper slightly rumpled, why should before pasting cut them into strips and give a little lie down on the floor. By the tiles is also treated. Before, as you start work, be thoroughly wall markings. To do this, draw a horizontal and vertical line in the middle of the wall (This is very important especially when working with tiles). If you want to, Cutting that was only at the bottom, you can slightly shift the horizontal line. If you kleite wallpaper, it is necessary to outline a vertical line and start to glue on it in both directions, Cutting then be uniform on all sides. Now you can start glueing.

If you choose a thick glue, it is necessary to recruit his small spatula and applied to the comb wall. It should apply the adhesive only on the area of ​​the sheet gluing one tile or wallpaper, otherwise the glue may dry.

After that, you caused glue, tightly pressed wallpaper cork to the wall. The best thing and the right to glue cork wallpaper together, as during the operation, one person will press down on the top, and the second to hold the sheet at the bottom.

This material glue the butt joint, but be careful, that would not get out of the glue joints, and furthermore on the plug itself. If after all this happened, it is not necessary to wipe the glue immediately, it is best to wait, and after, it dries, pushing it podkovyrnite.

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