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Internal shutters - why do we need and where to use

Shutters on the windows in the apartment are used much less frequently, than for private homes, but are quite popular commodity. Optionally installed outside the structure: it is possible to mount it inside. This approach solves several problems and does not spoil the appearance of the facade.

Features Interior shutters

The main difference between these structures from external models is, they are mounted on the free zones in the interior of the room. It may not necessarily be the window: Blinds can be installed in a niche, doorways, separated from their means of storage.

interior shutters
Internal shutters save floor space

Depending on the installation location and choose the appointment of structures. for example, Window applicable not only decorative, protecting only from the sun, but also a strong defense mechanisms. decorative design can be used for doorways, slats which are made of wood or plastic. Their main task is to space delimitation, protection closet or closet dust.

shutters internal structurally indistinguishable from the exterior and can carry the same function. The advantage of these systems is their stealth, space savings, the inability to dismantle them from the street.

Shutters indoors

installing shutters, you can make your apartment more comfortable, because from the street, eg, in the evening in your windows no one could peek, safer, since the attacker can not get through a window or door. The internal space can correctly arrange by means of such a construction. You will be able to protect themselves from the bright sun, in the winter to make the room warmer, if the street is noisy, shutters help reduce the discomfort from this.

What elements of construction comprises?

any Blinds They have a simple construction. It includes the following elements:

  • protection box: there are slats, when you lift the shutters. The box is needed for the physical protection of the web from the weather, dust, ridge, creating a decorative kind of design.
  • Lamella - is, what it consists of a movable blade. Lamella called thin plastic, steel or aluminum plate, of several such elements going web. If shutters are designed to protect from vandals, used steel slats. For other purposes, you can use a less durable and lighter material.
  • The guides are mounted to the walls. Due to this movement member provided web.
  • Web - the main part of the structure, which closes the window, door or other opening.
  • Drive unit: using his blade is driven. It can be manually or mechanically depending on the complexity and cost of construction.

shutters indoors are not always equipped with a mechanical drive, however, some models can be operated with the remote control and open the remote.

Shutters on the inner window
The design of roller shutters

The difference between the inner and outer structures

the, which side of the mount structure, It depends entirely on the wishes of the customer, since the technical differences between these two types of shutters is not. In any case, the window shutters on the interior or exterior will effectively protect your home from intruders, bullies, of wind, rain, sun and dust. If we arrange them indoors, found several important advantages, eg, the design can not be dismantled, without getting into the building. The appearance of the facade will not be disturbed, which is an advantage, If shutters are not suitable for the style of the building.

Minus these shutters have only one: It remains outside the window, and it can beat the vandals. For this reason, If your apartment is on the first or second floor, it is desirable to use the structure, mounted to the side of the street.

Internal roller blinds for plastic windows
exterior shutters

Internal roller blinds for plastic windows may not be visible both indoors: box can be positioned in such a way, that it will not be evident, the window curtains can be hung ordinary. If the house is being constructed, You can use the built-in appliances assembly. In this case, the slats rise, curling is not located above the box, and go to the wall. But this method of mounting is not possible, if the structure is ready.

Shutters on the windows in the apartment
internal Blinds

It is a convenient and versatile way to bill. The box is screwed over the opening, to be protected. This can be done from the inside or the street side of the building. Structurally, the shutters are no different. Most often, the box is mounted directly on the wall above the door opening. This makes it possible to simplify the process, save space.

The use of roller shutters is an effective way to protect the premises from criminals, as well as undesirable weather conditions. The design helps to create a pleasant indoor climate, well it fits into the interior.



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