the main / design apartment / Lighting ceiling in the apartment without the chandelier

Lighting ceiling in the apartment without the chandelier

Proper use of lighting in the apartment is not only a well-thought-out design, but also improve quality of life. Comfort and naturalness optimally chosen light sources creates a pleasant atmosphere in the room, and does not strain the eyes. Apart from the usual type of lighting, Today you can pick up many types of decoration of the ceiling without chandeliers. Carefully designed light scheme - a complex process, It requires a special approach.

Embodiments of illumination in the interior

Even if the room is well chosen furniture, correctly chosen color scheme and its compatibility, as well as the quality materials used, perfection is not without design lighting ceiling apartment. This little bar, which sums up the style of the room in general terms.

In addition to using conventional ceiling chandelier, contemporary designers and technologists have developed other types of lighting in the apartment. With the advent of new lighting fixtures, create your own design made it much easier.


Multi-level lighting

It is gaining popularity in recent years,, thanks to the expansion of opportunities in the design of rooms. It is a good alternative to the ceiling without the chandelier. Among the advantages of this type can be distinguished easy organization and space division into zones. Multilevel light allows you to highlight the parts of the room, I want to emphasize that.

The obvious advantage - a large number of light sources, used to illuminate the ceiling without chandeliers. Fully adjustable, the use of dimmers are also advantages.


of wall lighting

Using wall sconces It has been known since time immemorial,. Such lamps are set for comfortable reading or to, to briefly highlight some of the room. Sconce can create a modern lighting design apartments, while they can be combined with ceiling light. fixtures market allows you to select the device of any desired shape.


Low light

Selecting this option is suitable for trendy interior styles, when the light from the bottom is a must. In this case, for appliances special requirements: they must be waterproof, tight and resistant to damage. So as not to expend energy, most of the built-in low light use neon lights or LEDs.


movable fixtures

This room lighting design option is applied, when there is the idea to change the direction of the light beam. Among this kind of devices emit movable ceiling lamps, rotary sconce, Light track systems.


The combination of multiple types of lighting in the apartment creates a feeling of comfort and reduces eye strain.

Kinds of light sources

among the lamps, emitting light output, today widely used the following options:

  • Incandescent lamps - the most common variant, although it is to some extent a relic of the past. Unreasonableness of their use is a huge power consumption, but the short term without ekspluatatsii.Dizayn ceiling chandelier does not provide for their use, even though they are available;
  • Halogen lamps -otlichayutsya bright light and the ability to create different color hues. They are small in size, and also have a high lifetime. Well suited for lighting design apartments with the help of point-type lamps.
  • Fluorescent lamps - used in industry and in the commercial real estate. Value for money adds to their advantages, however, their use in the ceiling lighting design is inappropriate.
  • Energy saving lamp - widely popular type of light bulbs, allowing good save on electricity. As with other types of light sources, they can have cold and warm light, and their opening hours is significantly higher, than incandescent lamps.
  • LED lamps - today a well-established source of light. These light bulbs are used throughout to select the lighting design: recessed lighting, point, decorative, landscape. Due to the low power consumption, Strength and Security, Technology makes predictions for the full data capture tubes market in the coming 10 years old.


Features of lighting in different rooms

Decide on the type of lamps, We need to find, how to choose the right lighting design rooms in an apartment.

Lighting choice for the living room

Before you begin choosing the right lighting, it is important to take into account factors such as ceiling height, floor area and predetermined style interior. Some variants of lighting design living room:

  • There, where the workplace, better to put a bright light source, eg, table lamp.
  • Use a floor lamp you need in a recreation area - it will create a calm effect, thanks to the subdued light.
  • To give shape to subjects of an interior, You can use dot LED osvescheniepri ceiling without chandeliers. So you can highlight certain areas of the room.
  • The main light is always bright and should occupy the entire perimeter of the ceiling, however it is necessary to take care of additional lighting, because the living room - a place entertaining and recreation.


Selected lighting fixtures should be in harmony with the main style of the room and be combined with each other. Modern lighting design apartments, which consumers purchased, It allows you to choose almost any type of luminaire.

Do not use the chandelier, if the ceilings are low. You can use multi-level lighting and sconces. Ceiling lighting design will depend on the personal preferences of the owners, as well as the premeditated living style.

How to pick up the light in the bedroom

It is not necessary in the overhead lighting in a bedroom use chandelier. This method starts gradually go out of use in the interior, or skillfully combined with other types of lighting.

Bedroom requires special lighting: this is the place, where the person is at rest and gives himself up. Driving light equipment should be designed according to the needs of owners. Making the ceiling chandeliers without the use of other means of lighting. Here are some tips on lighting in the bedroom:

  1. The main characteristic of light - its richness, why not just try to trim ceiling light, but Wall.
  2. Strengthen the backlight can be at the head of the bed, from mirrors and dressing table.
  3. Use table lamps, appropriate style in the bedroom. It can be candelabras, abazhurnye lamp or crystal lamps.
  4. Design ceiling without chandeliers usually involves the use of a point of light, for him to choose a LED light bulb.
  5. To release the passages, you can choose wall lamps.
  6. Highlighting the furniture is also important: so as not to wake the other members of the family and be able to change, backlight is set to sliding wardrobe and wardrobe systems.
  7. Do not forget the decorative lighting - it can be used to create comfort and good mood.


Rules lighting for kitchen

Lighting design apartments - this is the correct selection of the world for all its premises. The exception does not make the kitchen. For this room also has a set of nuances, doing enjoyable pastime:

  • Use several light sources, so you can not only create a favorable atmosphere for the eyes, but also to reduce energy costs.
  • Pay due attention to the kitchen set - lockers elements can be supplemented with built-in lighting.
  • If the kitchen is small - use spotlights or rail system. With them, you can change the angle of illumination, depending on the situation.
  • LED Light Strip - one of the ways of decorative and practical light in the kitchen. She can be framed as a wall cabinets, and countertop or wall panel. In this case, you do not have to include the main light, eg, at night.


Lighting design in the bathroom

Fixtures in the bathroom will not only perform its basic function, but also to decorate the interior. When choosing a design bathroom lighting stick to these features:

  1. Not oversaturated light room: if the room is small, the fixtures and it should be a little.
  2. Highlight the main areas: cabinet with a mirror, washbasin, bath.
  3. You can arrange the lighting in the ceiling without the chandelier. For this purpose, ceiling lamps and recessed spotlights. They are much better fit into the interior of any bathroom.
  4. If the bath is made, one-style, it can be a little "paint" choosing color for the ceiling lighting.
  5. Decorative lighting can be arranged on the perimeter of the bathroom bowl.


The skillful combination of basic and additional ceiling lighting helps to create a comfortable environment in the apartment, a properly selected light equipment, harmoniously fit into a finished interior.



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One comment on the record "Lighting ceiling in the apartment without the chandelier

  1. When the planned repairs, my uncle decided, that the kitchen and the hall will be a multi-level lighting. But here, when it came to the repair and to measure the height of the walls, we understood, what lighting unfortunately, not for our apartment. If you make a multi-level lighting, then from the head to the ceiling will no longer 25 see with my growth 1.68(advance was made ceiling 2 longline). Then again, we were puzzled by this question, tk. another option we have not even considered and finally decided. Who do Safita kitchen and lockers are decorated with backlit, within and below. In the hall we found a chandelier in a modern style, and brothers. Already at the beginning and at the end of the hall set Safita, so you can enjoy the night Safit( the brightness level is adjusted, and in the evening chandelier, sconces and Safita and the room is very light! For the bedroom until just started planning, but my wish is of course Wall lighting, on account of the ceiling, I have not decided yet, but the walls I will definitely be burning, this is a very comfortable and beautiful and suitable for any design!)

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