the main / All the repair / Walls / How to choose a liquid wallpaper, advantages and disadvantages, How to apply liquid wallpaper on the walls and ceiling

How to choose a liquid wallpaper, advantages and disadvantages, How to apply liquid wallpaper on the walls and ceiling

Liquid wallpaper - it is original and attractive decorating material, which exists in the manufacturing industry today. Why, of all types of wallpaper they attract the attention of buyers. In the presented to your attention the article, we will try to answer the question, as well as talk about, How to apply liquid wallpaper on the wall surface. In our time, the construction market there are many different quality and application method and the structure of wallpaper.

If you want to make the right choice, you need to know more about them, but there are multi-functional wallpaper, which are suitable for all walls, but not particularly smooth, This liquid wallpaper.

What are the liquid wallpaper?

In this type of package wallpaper, It is somewhat similar to ordinary light-colored sawdust, but in fact it is - drape, which consists of the dry impregnated adhesive mixture. Upon completion of its kind it is increasingly becoming like a fine foam.

In our modern world there are liquid wallpaper is only five species - which are different from each other in the thickness of the final layer and the structure of the fibers. Compacted version of something similar to the fabric, since its thickness in finished form ranges from 4 to 5 millimeters, and the thickness of the thin layer of 2 to 3 millimeters.

The porous structure of this type of wallpaper is not only good at trapping heat, but also has excellent sound insulation properties. Of these wallpapers say that they "breathe", and also are environmentally friendly material. But the main advantage of liquid wallpaper in the, that shrinkage of the walls, they are subject to strain, and in any case, this does not tear.


Composition Wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper like ordinary wallpaper, but on a roll you do not buy. Wallpaper represent powdery substance, packed in a box.liquid wall types

They contain mica, natural dyes, cellulose and cotton fibers, to give the desired effect, they add gold thread.

liquid composition wallpaper

To this can be added to the standard list of various inclusions:

  • wood flour or sawdust;
  • mica;
  • seaweed;
  • stone chippings;
  • different textured inclusion;
  • spangles, etc..

In its structure, various grades differ. At the same time pay attention to the texture of the material, as well as how easy they are stretched over the surface and smoothed by trowel. From this the thickness of the layer depends, material consumption and the appearance of the finished wall.

What is the advantage of wallpaper?

Advantages of liquid wallpaper. These wallpapers are very easy are glued to the wall, filling with all the space and slots. Ideal lie in remote places, eg, around outlets or in the corners. Stitches after them can not be seen! In their composition, even fabric added, such as silk or gold thread, so that they give a stunning effect, when they are living you kleite, like or room.Liquid wallpaper pattern

Also in the liquid wallpaper there is a wide range of colors, it will also help you achieve the desired effect. For those, who like originality in everything, should give preference to liquid wallpaper. they are certainly too expensive original, but after finishing the apartment is liquid wallpaper, you get a stunning effect!

liquid wallpaper with a pattern
Liquid wallpaper with a pattern

There are other advantages of liquid wallpaper: These wallpapers can be applied to uneven, not aligned wall - glue in a new home, without waiting for him shrinkage (liquid wallpaper is not afraid of shrinkage)- It can be applied to metal, e.g. pipes - possess soundproofed and insulation - fireproof (fire will not burn on the wallpaper)- easy to get rid of stains, mud (you need to remove the smudge stick and clean new layer) - on their surfaces are free of dust, it can not accumulate there, because the fabric, part of the liquid wallpaper, It has no electric charge. Fantasy in applying liquid wallpaper are endless and allow to apply the composition to the ceiling.

liquid wallpaper ceiling
Liquid wallpaper on the ceiling

Disadvantages of liquid wallpaper

Despite the significant advantages of this type of wallpaper as there are no less significant shortcomings. for example, Image data can be easily wash off with plain water wall surface. Of course, such a disadvantage can be attributed to the dignity, but it is not very convenient for everyday life. Therefore, to liquid wallpaper have been more resistant to wet cleaning, on their surface is covered with colorless lacquer protective thin layer. In this treatment, the wall surface does not lose its beauty from the wet cleaning, but to "breathe" will not be able.

Liquid wallpaper difficult to clean from dirt, if they accidentally get dirty. Many manufacturers write, Such moisture-proof wallpaper, however, they are not intended to be washed. So if in some place too much soiled wallpaper, This can eliminate only one way - to stay in this place a layer of plaster, knead the new mixture and apply to this place. For a small experience there is a high probability, that the site will stand out against the background of the entire wall, it is unlikely that will add attractiveness of the room. Therefore it is necessary to be careful so coated, to once again not to stain it by accident.

The biggest drawback - a high price compared with traditional wallpaper. And although today finishing the novelty effect was, so the price falls, but to say, that the prices of the two types will be equal, it is not necessary. In addition to the beginner, which for the first time trying to apply liquid wallpaper on the wall or ceiling, have spent a little. After spoil one or two packages will still have.

The most popular brands in the segment of liquid wallpaper

1.French Senideco
The range of a hundred and fifty positions Senideco. Wallpaper with a perfect texture and visual appeal.

Products belongs to the category road, but stylish and quality. No wonder the brand a strong position in the global market, including Russian.

2.French Cotex
Elegant soft cotton "carpet" from Cotex impressive.

Buyers Cotex are three collections:

  • monochromatic variations.
  • Interspersed with gold thread.
  • With the addition of a mineral.

Thanks to a formula guaranteed easy care, resistance to ultraviolet influence, other properties, relating to the practical characteristics of the product and its durability.

3.Japanese Silkcoat
This manufacturer is not far behind in quality and excellent performance of French colleagues.

Uniqueness Silkcoat formula was highly appreciated by consumers.

4.German Wema
Wallpaper with distinctive elegance, a variety of color and texture of proposals.

Exclusive goods appreciated buyers more than twenty countries. The walls of the most prestigious buildings are decorated with wallpaper Wema.

5.Polish Poldecor
Known in Europe, the brand delivers on our country market products, relating to high-quality decor.

From the available assortment buyers can choose products with high or average price.

6.Turkish Bayramix Koza
Against the backdrop of a broad range of colors, production is distinguished affordability.

7.Russian Silk Plaster
Silk Plaster products is slightly inferior on external data to more expensive "relatives" from France. However, her inherent good performance parameters. And the cost of the material is less than.

Are more expensive wallpaper unusual colors. The manufacturer guarantees the visual presentable, sufficient strength, resistance to wet and solar factor.

8.Russian Casavaga / Ekobrik
The product has a national brand is a composition, filled with paper, wallpaper paste, cotton fibers and decorative additives.

This wallpaper, meets all modern standards. Products recommended for finishing works in rooms with low humidity indicators.

9.Ukrainian Limil
About ten years Limil brand is known not only in Ukraine. The main components of the preferred yarns and cellulose.

Extensive selection - 120 positions.
Acceptable quality and decent views.

10.Ukrainian-Russian Bioplast
The products are well known in the SGBV. The company launched production of forty choices of decorative material at a very nice price.

Some experts commensurate Bioplast with similar Turkish-Polish production, but a comparison of prices clearly in favor of Bioplast - value of goods half, than that of direct competitors.

certainly, Our review does not claim to be the "most perfect". perhaps readers, on the basis of personal experience to share with their advice Commentary.

Rules surface preparation

Wall or ceiling, how to glue the liquid wallpaper, need to align. We are talking about large drops and the surface roughness. Can, basically, hold directly align liquid wallpaper, but in this case, their consumption will rise considerably.

The base is prepared qualitatively, enough to remove from the wall of the old paintwork and plaster found beneath the cracks and pits. That after drying, liquid wallpaper on the walls do not appear yellow spots, Wall necessarily covered with waterproofing primer twice.

Besides, all metallic elements on the prepared surfaces must be painted enamel, to a liquid wallpaper is not stood out rust. After that, the wall must be completely dry, and it is desirable, to room temperature was about + 20 ° C.

How to apply liquid wallpaper on the walls hopprom

First you need to clean the wall of the old wallpaper, zashtukaturyt, putty, remove hangers, nails, sockets. Treat the walls of a fungus. Now prepare liquid wallpaper, To do this, mix the powder in a clean container, it yourself wallpaper, and dry additives. Further pouring water and interfere. The temperature should be not lower than the room 15 degrees.Hopper kovщ

If you apply the wallpaper will be on their own, it is necessary for them to stand in a stir about 30 minutes, And if you use a gun, then glue the right. Note: gun - Hopper thing certainly good, but it can not be used on the walls with plaster Danish (decorative). The kit for the gun includes a compressor, the pressure should be 3-5 atmospheres. Such a set can be rented. Once you have mastered the application of wallpaper, they dry all the way through 72 o'clock, you have to be careful in the room. You can cover the top of liquid wallpaper paint and they can be cleaned. Designed this wallpaper French, and they are the leaders in this market, and their products are in great demand.

so, to put these wallpapers on the surface will need the following tools:

Container, wherein the mixture is divorced.

Not allowed the partial kneading package. This is due to the fact, that the binders (in t. no. and Clay) in multiples are in dry form. In the process of transportation may be so, that in one place pack components to a greater concentration, than in other parts of. Mixing of the pack binders in this portion of the packet may be missing at the desired concentration, and the wallpaper will not meet all the stated manufacturer specifications. be careful!

Embossed roller or trowel (if available, or hopper gun spray gun with pressure 0, 4-0, 5 mpa, then using them will quickly and precisely apply liquid wallpaper on the walls of your room).

If you decide to give your home an original look and make a wallpaper pattern, then you need to be a roller-pump.

To finish the work, you must have clearcoat.

Before proceeding to the application of liquid wallpaper should be a careful preparation of wall surfaces.

The desired amount of dry liquid wallpaper added little water at room temperature. Stir and let it brew for a solution 15 min. can be added to the dye and all thoroughly, if necessary.

A small amount of the mixture applied to a wall surface and a roller is rolled on all sides. Likewise continues attaching all relevant parts. Care should be taken, to overlie the surface was smooth, without hillocks and voids rolled out of the mixture.

If you suddenly did not work properly unroll or some other reason, for which it is necessary to remove the coating from the surface, it can be done, if the mixture slightly moisten. After that, the same piece of cover can be re-applied to the wall and so to 3 time. In this case, the adhesive composition must not slip away.

As already mentioned in this article by means of rolling-roller, you can create a unique pattern.


Application of liquid wallpaper in hand

Pour into a container with water shine (sold separately), evenly distribute it in water.

Shake the contents of the package, uniformly distributing free-flowing mixture. Then the contents of the package is completely empty in the water tank.

Not allowed the partial kneading package. This is due to the fact, that the binders (in t. no. and Clay) in multiples are in dry form. In the process of transportation may be so, that in one place pack components to a greater concentration, than in other parts of. Mixing of the pack binders in this portion of the packet may be missing at the desired concentration, and the wallpaper will not meet all the stated manufacturer specifications. be careful!

Residues of material can always be dried and used at any time.

Mix composition manually

stir by hand, straining weight between fingers (avoid the formation of glue clots). All the components are natural and totally harmless to the skin.

ATTENTION! are mixed only, using a drill with the mixing nozzle at low speed.

Prepare as much kneading, how many have to be applied to the entire surface from corner to corner!

Stand soaked mass of the recommended time - 12 hours, using for easy storage pouch of liquid wallpaper.

Through 12 mix a few hours for a total package of plastic containers, the mixture was well mixed manually. Liquid wallpaper is ready for application.

Slight color fluctuations from batch to batch, It is recommended as the flowrate of the mixture to replenish plastic container, mixing new material with the remaining weight.

Application of liquid wallpaper

The finished mixture is applied in small portions plastic or grater mastrekom. Grater should adjoin to the material at an angle of 10-15 degrees, forming a wedge. Optimal layer thickness of 1.5-2 mm. Apply a material can be by means of a special compressor equipment for applying liquid wallpaper.
can be added for ease of application to 1 liters of water at room temperature for one package.

For an ideal application SILK PLASTER 1-2 hours, Using side lighting, smooth surface of the grater, soaking it in water.

Drying of liquid wallpaper 12 to 24 hours

The room temperature must be less than +15 WITH, humidity - normal. liquid wallpaper Drying time: 24-48 hours, depending on temperature and humidity. It is recommended to ventilate the room.

To improve durability and to impart moisture barrier properties of the material using proprietary lacquer SILK PLASTER.

Drying of liquid wallpaper 12 to 24 hours
The use of liquid wallpaper in wet areas
You can use the original paint SILK PLASTER to impart additional properties of liquid wallpaper:

  • increased wear resistance;
  • the possibility of wet cleaning;
  • use in wet areas (except where a direct hit of the water on the material).



Time to complete drying liquid wallpaper after applying them to the surface ranges from 12 hours before 3 days. Depending on the temperature and humidity in the room. Completely dried wallpaper covered with a thin layer of colorless varnish.




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One comment on the record "How to choose a liquid wallpaper, advantages and disadvantages, How to apply liquid wallpaper on the walls and ceiling

  1. The hallway did finish walls liquid wallpaper. Wallpaper not buy steel, expensive, if we decided not to turn their hands to make, then close the plastic panels fail. But everything turned out, not counting the nuances, to be aware. Made wallpaper with a huge amount of paper, went, collected shopping complimentary newspapers. The problem is not even in the ingredients. Since the right to prepare a composition for the entire room did not work, I had to do twice the composition and add color to impart color did not work in the same proportion to the other ingredients. The result of the following: one wall is a little lighter, than the other. not upset, They convinced themselves and guests coming in, that it is a design course.

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