In modern construction technologies it occupies a special place drywall. The use of gypsum board to hide any virtually wall defects, producing a completely flat surface. With drywall, you can create any complexity decorative elements, including arches, boxes, multi-level design.
And we can not do without technology, developed by German company Knauf.
The proposed technology has high manufacturability, harmless to humans, It allows you to assemble complex structures, using gypsum board.
Especially popular plasterboard Knauf mounting technology uses in finishing flat dry method.

On the drywall sheets has long been known. fragility sheets, plasterboard installation complexity, the complexity and inconvenience of not doing this stuff is so popular, as of late.
What is the partition Knauf?
The partition of the company Knauf is a layer cake, consisting of the outer gypsum board, mounted on a special galvanized steel frames.
Inside the space is filled with soundproof carcass, heat-saving materials. As such a material, the most widespread mineral wool.
Being constructed as the present design technology has increased rigidity.
In the construction of various kinds of gypsum boards used knauf mounting partitions:
- simple gypsum board GCR, used in the decoration of the premises of the internal space;
- moisture resistant gypsum board gypsum plasterboard, used in the decoration of bathrooms, kitchens, rooms with high humidity;
- Refractory plasterboard sheet GKLO, used for manufacturing ducts for heating systems, for concealing wiring;
- ognevlagostoyky plasterboard sheet GKLVO.
For galvanized metal frame profiles are used special design.
Ceiling has marking CD(PP) and used to create a multi-level ceiling structures crates.
Ceiling guide profile is marked with the letters UD(PN) and is used to set the baseline for the entire perimeter of the ceiling structure.
The rack has markings CW(PS) and is the backbone of the construction of drywall partitions.
Wall guiding profile is marked with the letters UW(PN) and acts as a bridge between the body profiles.
The letters in brackets refer to the labeling of the Russian manufacturers.
All partitions Knauf have a special marking, consisting of letters and three digits C.
for example: WITH 113. figures 113 indicate the three-layer cladding single metal frame partitions.
Below is a table produced by Knauf partitions.
Of the latest developments of the company Knauf partition walls should be noted with a double metal frame, wherein the various communications can be placed.
Tools for working with panels Knauf
Cut plasterboard best hacksaw or toothed saw, shhetelem, universal knife.
Attach to the metal sheet profile frame need screws, using a screwdriver. Use screws of type LN, TN.
When markup is best to use a laser or water level, roulette, a cord.
The joints drywall sheets shpaklyuyut only firm putty Knauf.
For the treatment of joints with shpaklevanii use spatulas, polishing cloth or sandpaper.
How to make installation of drywall partitions Knauf
The company produces Knauf partitions of different designs, depending on the construction tasks.
Mounting each structure has its own peculiarities.
Knauf plasterboard partitions on a single frame with a single-layer plating
The basic building partition materials of this type are drywall sheet and galvanized metal profiles PN and PS.
The construction is a metal frame, Left and right wheel in a single layer sheets of plasterboard.
To a building space frame is attached firmly around the perimeter. On the fixed frame gypsum boards are fastened with screws. It turns increased rigidity design.
This design has the marking system Knauf type C 111.
Partition Knauf type C 111 of plasterboard with a single-layer plating is intended for installation in spaces of low, undemanding to soundproof and fireproof factors. After mounting the baffle required wallpaper or painted.
Mounting partitions Knauf
- semi, ceiling and side walls made marking provisions of the future partition;
- before installing Knauf partitions, on the side of the contact profiles with building structures is required to apply the sealant or special tape for a tight fit them;
- steps in 0,6 meter to align the profiles, and secure them with dowels to the floor and the ceiling;
- attach to the base wall rack profiles;
- guide profiles secure the rackmount profiles with screws (punching method may be used) in increments of no more 60 cm;
- in the resulting frame inside mount inserts, make the necessary wiring and other wiring;
- in cases, when the partition height is greater than the length of the gypsum boards, you need to install additional profiles in Metakhim joints sheets;
Drywall sheets are attached first on one side of the carcass-type screws TN. fixing step is not more 75 cm; - if necessary, inside the frame lay the insulating material;
- install drywall sheets and on the other hand is already on the diagram.
do not forget to do bevels on sheets of labels in the joints; - make puttying joints on all the rules.
More to learn in detail about Secrets partitions installation you can learn by looking video.
A few tips when working with Knauf partitions
- Drywall sheets are notched on the front side by means of a metal ruler utility knife. Then the sheet is breaking and is cut from the back side.
- Abutting a plane side is processed to an angle of 45º.
- Paneling correctly perform drywall thickness of not less than 12,5 mm.
- For ceramic tile walls or sheathe the walls of at least two layers of drywall.
- Try to avoid cross-shaped joints. Sheets should be installed with no gaps, butt.
- The sheets are fastened to the frame by means of self-tapping screws Knauf, from the center of the sheet or its upper corner, deepening hats on 1 mm.
- Step installation screws on the wall must not exceed 25 mm, on the ceiling of no more than 17 mm..
- should be used long screws for fastening drywall, equal to the thickness of the sheet +1 cm.
Find out how much you need materials, for the acquisition will help online Calculator.
In details a gas gun Drywall.