the main / design apartment / The choice of ceiling lighting in the apartment

The choice of ceiling lighting in the apartment

Successfully planned ceiling light gives the interior finish, allows you to adjust the shape of the room failed geometric, It creates in the house needed to rest and work environment. Embodiments of illumination is selected depending on the ceiling structure, room style, preferences of the owners of the apartment regarding the type of lighting.

Types of lighting fixtures for ceiling lighting

Modern lighting market is able to satisfy the most unusual requests and choose a model, fully meet any needs. The main types of devices for ceiling light include:

  1. Chandeliers.
  2. Spotlights.
  3. track system.
  4. Flexible lighting (LED and neon tape, cords Duralight).

When choosing the type of lighting should take into account the technical parameters of the room: its height and the total area. Do not forget about the purpose of the premises: children's room needs a bright light, allows the child to learn and play, and lamps with soft muted glow is best left for the bedroom.


Chandeliers - the most popular type of lighting in the apartment. They are found in virtually every home, It is easy installation and practicality. Manufacturers produce models, corresponding to different interior styles: from calm classic to futuristic high-tech. The main types of these chandeliers:

  • Chandeliers, pendants, consisting of one or more diffusers,suspended from a chain or cord. Suspensions are equipped with shades of glass, cloth, plasty, they can be used in rooms with different functionality;
  • Ceiling, when fastening to the ceiling takes place by means of straps or platform. Ceiling lamps are ideal for small rooms and the square of height. Among the disadvantages are the necessity of removing the ceiling to replace a blown light source.


In addition to the classic models in the market, a large number of original and modern LED chandelier ice for ceiling mounting. They have a long service life, without requiring re-lamping, which greatly facilitates the operation of the lighting unit.


  • classic. It is the most common form of chandeliers. They represent mnogolampovuyu structure, made of metal, with shades of glass, cloth, crystal. Such lamps may have very impressive size. Fixing is carried out to the ceiling suspended manner, eg, on the hook.



They are used for decorative illumination, and as main light sources. They are placed in a single copy for isolating the interior from an object or group. In the same room can be a combination of several types of ceiling lights, eg, installation and spotlights, and chandeliers. They complement each other, allowing you to create different lighting scenarios in the room.

By way of installation isolated:

  • Overhead spotlights - a combination of the ceiling-diffuser and mounting plate. They are fixed directly to the ceiling surface. Most often used overhead model, when there is no possibility to make a hole under the mortise model.


  • recessed, or mortise lamps mounted on any surface, having a free cavity. It may be plasterboard ceilings, stretch ceiling, furniture, flooring for terraces in country houses, stair treads, etc.. This type of lighting is the most common. Usually, when it comes to the spotlights, meant it was his version of the mortise.


  • False. In this case, housing a lens suspended by a decorative cable remote from the mounting plate.


The spotlights can be used for various types of lamps:

  • Incandescent lamps. They provide pleasant light and eye are very inexpensive, however, they require frequent replacement and consume a lot of electricity. Mortise lamp with an incandescent lamp requires greater depth of the hole to install because of its size.
  • halogen. Available in two embodiments,: 220 B and 12 AT. In this case, for the light, with low-voltage lamps need to find a place to install step-down transformer. These lamps last longer than conventional incandescent bulbs and more energy efficient, but in operation they are subject to excessive heat, that does not allow their use on certain surfaces.
  • LED bulbs. They are rapidly gaining popularity, thanks to its characteristics: long service life, low power consumption, absence of heating during operation. The main disadvantage of LEDs is a high price for them. But in recent years it has tended to decline, in connection with the expansion of production volumes.

Spot lights are different and the possibility of regulating the luminous flux:

  • toggling represent a monolithic body with a well directed stream of light;
  • swivel have the ability to adjust the angle, due to the presence of moving parts.

track system

This is a fairly new type of lighting fixture lighting options including apartments. Track system originally used in the sales rooms and office spaces, but is now also used in residential interiors. The design represents luminaire system, arranged on the busbar trunking - metal rail length 1-3 m. The rails are connected to the desired sequence via the connecting elements of various shapes: straight, g-shaped, cruciate, rectangular.

The track is mounted directly to the ceiling or down to the desired height on the cable release. On one busbar lighting devices of different types can be assembled. for example, when creating a lighting system can be installed in the kitchen pendant lights over the dining table, down light over the working surfaces and fixtures, giving diffused light, as a general lighting. Boring device, or even the entire combination can easily be replaced by other, effortlessly give the interior a novelty.


Track systems are available for voltage 12 B and 220 AT. The last is easy to install and, with proper operation, also safe, as well as low-voltage.

flexible fixtures

LED Strip, cords Duralight, flexible neon tubes are used for decorative ceiling illumination. They can be installed a stretched canvas, between the levels of the ceiling plasterboard, positioned for special plinths. The most attractive features include flexible backlight LED strip has. It is easy to install on their own, it is reliable, durability and low power consumption. With proper installation ice belt last for years, without requiring maintenance.

In planning the ceiling lighting should be remembered, it performs only a decorative role. It is therefore necessary to consider, What kind of lighting in the apartment rooms will be the main.

The choice of fixtures depending on the type of ceiling

solving, What kind of lighting is best used for the ceiling of a particular room, We need to consider the type of roof construction.

  1. Suspended Ceiling with Papier Mache often involves the installation of spotlights around the perimeter or a predetermined circuit, as well as the backlight LED Strip. Besides, possible use of different models of chandeliers. Lite versions are hung on the hook, and heavy chandeliers better to install with the help of anchors.
  2. The best option for concrete or wooden ceilings - a variety of chandeliers. In this case, you can safely use the heaviest model, since for attaching the hook will securely hold in wood and concrete. But the installation of embedded dot patterns would cause serious difficulties, so they are best avoided.
  3. Choosing a lighting device for a stretch ceiling is due to the danger of blade deformation by heat or weight. fixtures attachment to the film itself can not be, in this case it just breaks. Before installation of stretch ceiling is necessary to prepare special seats for point devices or install a hook for attaching the chandelier. As a light source LED lamp is better to choose, as they, Unlike incandescent and halogen lamps, do not cause heating of the stretched canvas, which reduces the risk of its deformation to zero.

If the suspended ceiling is made of glossy PVC, due to the reflection of the number of luminaires will visually double. A device with layered structures with ice illumination gloss "show" all flaws laying LED ribbons.

The study of varieties of lights and features of their installation will help determine, a ceiling lighting should be in the apartment, to maximize the convenience and comfort.


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One comment on the record "The choice of ceiling lighting in the apartment

  1. We are in the hall, when doing repairs, not a global course, but also not far from cosmetic, In general, in the hall left no ordinary concrete ceilings, they were, although the plan was changed to suspended oil paint, but it may be a little later. And as I understand it, we really did the right thing leaving chandelier, We bought new, something similar to the chandelier in the first picture. Install it really is very simple. And yet such a chandelier is very convenient and practical, if you have low ceilings, as we have such, It is almost at the level of the ceiling, not hanging, as conventional lamps. in the hall light is bright, we inserted all 3 light bulbs, we bought, so called in common- housekeeper. But in the children's plan still make the suspended ceiling and insert the mortise fixtures. Like in the first of their design, and secondly, such fixtures can be installed anywhere and any number of. it all depends on your desire.

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