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Homemade decorative plaster for the walls

It sets out the repair in your own apartment, many dreams as possible to save on the purchase of building materials without compromising quality finish. Are there options? Of course, If you try to decor plaster walls with his own hands, it is easy to create an original invoice, which will look, how costly mural. You do not need to learn complex building technologies. Enough to stock up the necessary tools and a detailed examination of the following step by step guide.

Decorating the walls of putty
Decorating the walls of putty

What are the advantages of decorative plaster?

Choosing as usual finishing putty, little work over topcoat, it is easy to get in the end an interesting texture, difficult terrain. We are raising the bar, making future interior more expensive and respectable. Plaster is easy to falls on any basis: plasterboard, brick, foam concrete. The material is very ductile and work with it is convenient even for a beginner.

As part of the modern mixtures used plasticizers, supplements, improving the encircling material properties. he easily, as oil falls on the wall, and it becomes very pliable plastic basis, on which you can continue to work. That is why the decoration of the walls with his own hands is a great pleasure.

The result is a finish, which lasts a very long time, without losing their attractive qualities. She is not afraid of water, direct sunlight, mechanical action. If a, are decorated with wall putty with their hands, to comply with all the technological processes, Decorations durability can easily compete with the stone or tile. This is another advantage of the described finishing.

Plaster does not absorb odors, for it can be easy to care for, using it is not difficult to improve the heat- and sound. It is composed of non-toxic elements, in fact, this is the most environmentally friendly coating for today, that during operation no harmful toxic substances.


If the show imagination you can use Rotband for plaster walls.


How can I perform a decorative plaster with your hands?

The story of, both from the usual decorative plaster putty to make, It will not take long. Before, how to get started, you need to stock up on the following tools:

  1. set of different spatulas.
  2. Terkel and trowelling Kelme.
  3. ironing board.
  4. Building level.
  5. plumb.

Manufacturing technology decorative plaster with his own hands from the usual filler consists of the following steps:

  • Preparing walls.
  • Creation of the base layer.
  • Preparation of coating textured in various ways.
  • The final stage.
plaster relief
plaster relief

Preparing walls for plastering

Apply the plaster can only be good peeled wall. You must first get rid of the wallpaper, from any other topcoat, The wall surface thoroughly inspected, cracks and crevices are colored, and then filled with the same plaster. Building level checked evenness of the base. To do this, it puts up a rule and checked in order to identify specific abnormalities. Hollow filled with a thicker layer, in this way, line the walls. Then, the plaster dries. Last thing, you need to do at a preliminary stage - to produce a primer.

Creating decorative base layer

the, who knows, as a regular filler to make decorative, can see the video tutorial or read carefully the following instructions. Take the prepared mixture, and diluted with water according to the instructions given in the package. Breeding must be so, how many will be able to put on the wall at a time. Despite, that modern manufacturers add in a mixture of additives, slows down the process of hardening, ordinary plaster hardens quickly. The main task - to create the required layer thickness, and immediately proceed to the further decoration.

note! The layer thickness is chosen in view of the, that the height of the invoice will be created 1-1,5 mm. Test the application of the base layer and allow to train your hands to feel, how to create a decorative plaster from the usual fillers, video below shows, How can I do that.

Getting textured wall coverings

Get textured coating can be in many ways:

  • When using a roller.
  • ready-made stencils.
  • brush, trowel, notched trowel.

How does this happen? Using the roller - the easiest way to create an invoice, like a ruffled suede. Excessive "fluffiness" it is easy to lubricate the spatula. He smoothed plaster, removes too sharp protuberances. Layer roller is traversed along the entire length once. So get a clear picture.

In specialized construction shops sell ready-made stencils, using them very easy to get from the usual decorative plaster putty construction, photo shows, is transferred as a picture. On the working surface of the stencil has a raised pattern. is he, pushing into the soft foundation, leaves her beautiful imprint. In order to receive each time a clear stamp on the wall, sole stencil must be constantly washed with water. It takes a lot of time. And this is the only disadvantage of this method.

note! For printing on places near the corners, There are special stencils, made of soft rubber.

If the hand is not the tools described above, and can not create a decorative plaster putty from the usual roller or stencil, in turn can be sent any brush or spatula work. With the help of these easy to create invoices, similar to concrete, a natural stone, suede. Picking up a trowel and a little more press it into the soft foundation, Experienced designers are horizontal or vertical lines. Even an ordinary plastic bag or a bath sponge in the hands of an experienced master is transformed into an effective instrument, capable of producing the desired result. Beginners just need to be trained to use them, and then with his own hands to try to create an original finish.

roller wall decor
roller wall decor


The final stage of plastering

After applying the plaster should dry well. Usually, it may take hours. Then the surface is treated with sandpaper fine sandpaper. It helps to emphasize the texture of a double wall painting. First on it are long-haired roller, then, layer after drying, short roller and the ink layer at the main lighter tone. Finishing coat - clearcoat. Everything, decorative plaster is ready for use.

Painted decorative plaster one layer and one color does not make sense, texture is quickly lost. That efforts were not in vain, and drawing clearly entered when stained two colors must be used. Therefore, the first roll of a long-painted wall paint dark tone. A day, when the first paint layer has dried, paint the walls again roll with pile of medium length paint a few shades lighter than the basics. detail about colors and their forms.

If the roller is not, You can use a wide flat brush. We proceed as follows:

  1. Pick up a tray and pour it in the paint. Brush dipped into it completely, and then removed the excess paint on the edge of the bath, and that the brush wipes on a piece of thick cardboard.
  2. Now you can light sweeping movements to apply paint on the wall. It is important to paint a textured plaster across the parallel vertical surfaces, barely touching the wall brush. Painting with a brush does not rubbed, and slightly greasy on the convex portions.
  3. Simplify the process can be, using a method blur. On the wall in this case is applied to a dark layer, and then, until it is dry, the top layer is wiped with a wet cloth. As a result of deepening should remain dark, and invoice (pile) light.

To paint stayed longer, necessary to protect the paint lacquer. For this purpose, water-based lacquer. So that it is well penetrated the basis of plaster, lacquer is diluted with water in the proportions 1x1. The solution was applied to the wall broad-brush in two coats. The second layer is applied after, dried the first layer. In the video you can see, how it looks, and that in the end should have.





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3 Comments to the post "Homemade decorative plaster for the walls

  1. Hello. Of course Venetian from conventional materials do not make it clear since it requires a special composition, but even if you buy it then there is a certain layering technique 3 – 5 layers. But to create an interesting unique textured wall can be of a conventional filler is important because a greater degree the material and the ability to create an invoice in more detail here

  2. Made decorative sketches on the wall in the usual flow of course a decent vetonitom. And it all depends on what then either paint or attempt to do effects with impregnation and wax. I advise you to make templates and experiment, as hard bydet repeat uniform structure on the wall.

  3. Creating a room design, sometimes, it is necessary to make the surface of the walls of a relief. Texture of the coating is achieved by using special tools. Making repairs in the master room, we invited, I am using a roller and stencils. It was very nice.

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