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As slopes repaired after installation of plastic windows?

Question, both slopes repaired after installation of plastic windows, enough to date, since this type of work involved, not every company, installing windows. Sometimes masters simply forget to do it or the additional work is performed for a fee. It is not necessary to hire someone: in most cases self-installation slope does not cause any difficulties.

What are the slopes outside?

knowing, how to seal the slopes windows, you will be able to improve the technical indications of the window, get rid of drafts, slots, make the room more quiet and warm. To begin this requires is to work from the outside of the facade.

Before you get started, We need to make, what polyurethane foam already applied, and waterproofed design. There are several ways to perform work, so the choice among the materials there.

Filling the slopes after the installation of windows

Scheme sealing by means of plaster

Filling the slopes after the installation of windows plaster It is one of the most popular ways, However, he and most time-consuming, as the need to have sufficient skills and time. On the positive side, you can carry an affordable price of such material and high quality results.

If there is some experience it will take at least three days, but if you first took up her, possibly, and more, as it is necessary to correct some errors. Plaster applied in three layers. The first two should be made of special heat-insulating composition, otherwise the window will be cold and warm air to release into the atmosphere, the last layer is performed usual plaster.

Before the next layer is applied, must be dry prior to the end, it takes about 24 o'clock: precisely because of this particular material work takes so much time. Apply a new layer can not be used. Once you do the work, must wait, until the last layer is dry, sand and paint it. The paint will give added protection against moisture and other negative factors.


The use of plastic elements

sealing slopes of plastic windows their own hands will not cause difficulties and does not take much time, if we use plastic parts. They combine well with the window structure of similar material, easy to install, not time-consuming, It does not require specific skills at work. The plastic does not need to be painted after installation, because you can buy the material in any color. It is sold as a finished product in DIY stores.

The panel is easily cut with an ordinary hand saw for metal or wood, so you can cut piece of the correct size. Panel securely attached to your Glue, and the joints are closed waterproof sealant. Slopes of plastic are not afraid of moisture, temperature changes, are long enough, although not combined with all materials aesthetically.

Filling the slopes after the installation of windows

Work with internal structural elements

After the outer work performed, should move into a room and make a similar finish there. Repair slopes after installation plastic windows required, usually, is always. Perform internal slopes of the same functions, that external, but are much larger decorative load, because without their recovery wall looks ugly. That is why it is important to carry out the work carefully.

Council: plaster for indoors - not the best option, because they do not make enough warm window, and the appearance of the window will not be perfect.

Repair slopes after the installation of plastic windows

The close up a slope inside the room?

If the choice of, than to close up the slopes outside after installing plastic windows, It depends on the waterproofing materials, then take care of it necessarily indoors, so you can use the trim options, which do not apply to street: eg, plasterboard sheets.

Plasterboard relatively quickly and conveniently mounted, sheet can be sawn, giving it the desired shape, it is lightweight and perfectly smooth surface. The disadvantages with such a material is the fact, it crumbles, have cleaned, plaster and putty joints, he leaves turn, since the beginning of its appearance is no different attraction.

Council: to box, trimmed with plasterboard, defog and it was warmer, under the sheets should be placed insulation. The most commonly used foam or mineral wool.

As slopes repaired after installation of plastic windows

The use of sandwich panels

The outer sides of sandwich panels are made of PVC, and inside structure filled polyurethane. Such material is simply mounted, It does not require additional insulation, because the insulation is already inside.

In order to establish such a panel, It requires the installation of special profile. Under it advisable to lay insulation Isover. After this installation is done in the same way, and that the installation of plastic slopes.

How to patch up the slopes on the windows

Sandwich panels are characterized by high strength, well keep heat in the room, They require no maintenance. The appearance is quite attractive, so no additional finishing is not required. It should be a bit more expensive material, than drywall or plastic, but do not have to buy a heater.

ATıbor, slopes than repaired after installation of plastic windows from inside, and on the outside, quite diverse. You will be able to focus not only on price and appearance of the material, but the method of installation.



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One comment on the record "As slopes repaired after installation of plastic windows?

  1. When we installed the windows, outside the slopes made immediately, but the inside remained an awesome sight. For a long time we were waiting for the people, which was set window, but did not wait unfortunately. Then my grandmother found a new master and he made slopes, I performed work very poorly. At that time we were at home with their grandmother, We all arranged, as in this case we do not understand anything, plus the kind of rooms is much better, than before, and that we were slaves in general. Uncle looked at the work, He said, that the master did poorly, and I took a good amount of work. Window sills are kept on snot, drywall cheapest, Yes themselves ragged slopes. Now in the apartments is being renovated and uncle all remakes itself. So be careful and double-check the work of the masters, as the would-be masters are now missing!

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