Laying electric floor heating under a floor, as tiles, It takes a lot of time and effort. But strict observance of technology of laying floor heating under the tiles, with the installation process can handle even a novice performer.
When choosing a floor heating mains, It should be defined in order, what specific option to choose:
- heating cable. It refers to the number of budget options. But at the same time have a little tricky, to make a correct calculation of the amount of cable for the heating system installation, and carry laying of floor heating under the tiles. Screed in this case is somewhat thicker, which reduces the distance from floor to ceiling. If you can donate a ceiling height, it is possible to select a device from the electric underfloor heating cable.
- Termomat. It has several large number of positive qualities. It can even be called an enhanced version of the conductor. The main feature is, that the cable is a special fiberglass mesh. Here it is achieved by a step equal to the cable laid on the entire length of the mat.
To calculate the required number for termomata, sufficient to establish the area of the whole premises. In the end, it will only have to choose the roll of material, who will be responsible to calculate the size.
Only this is already visible, that the electric mat has a considerable advantage with the usual cable. In addition to its more positive feedback from users on the network.
at installing underfloor heating under tiles you must have at least a basic knowledge in the field of electrics. Particular attention should be paid to the base, which subsequently will be laying the heating mat.
On the floor surface is removed all the furniture and household appliances. The old base driven in the proper form and optionally aligned. If there is the old flooring, better to remove it along with the old-drenched screed. This would leave the same distance from the ceiling to the floor to create a new design of the heating system in the room.
As for roughing screed, it is performed to create a flat surface. The thickness of the solution is usually chosen in the range of 30 to 70 mm. just remove all the debris will remain in the completion of a base and a vacuum if necessary.
Creating a schema
Prior to installation it is very important to correctly calculate all. For this is a wiring diagram electric underfloor. There must necessarily be marked by a step of wiring or laying the heating mat. In any case, you should follow certain recommendations, to get a really high-quality scheme:
- When choosing the step of laying the floor heating electric Tile It should be kept away from the walls in the room, which will be equal to at least 100 mm.
- Packing material used can be other than rectilinear direction, you can make and bend. To this end, it is cut in a specially marked locations. Bending produced in the desired direction. All these subtleties can afford to reduce the consumption of energy consumed. Heating will be carried out in those places, where it is needed.
- prohibited installation heating elements under the bulky furniture (in the absence of the legs) and household appliances. In this embodiment, the heat will not flow to heat the air in the room, and will go back to the heating elements. This will cause them to overheat and failure.
calculation of material
Literate material calculation for the installation of underfloor heating under tiles electric will provide the desired results without wasting money. Each square meter area of the room requires the acquisition of the heating element with the power of 140 to 180 W.
There may be cases, when the room is very well insulated. Here, the heating system will act as a support element, and then the power can be chosen smaller than the allowable standards - about 80 W / m2.
To calculate the measured area of the room (length multiplied by the width), then subtract from this result the area of the furniture and equipment, under which it will not be made laying the heating cable under the tile. the, what will happen and it will be considered a useful area for heating.
The same principle is characteristic for termomata. Calculated effective area and power of the heating elements is chosen. It is this number and must be purchased.
To the heater can be securely fastened to the filled screed, use mounting tape.
When installing the special attention should be paid to old wiring, so that it can withstand the pressure of a powerful electric underfloor. If there is no knowledge of their own in determining the cross-section of current cable, it is best to seek professional help. But the point should be made mandatory without exception.
A layer of insulation
For the installation of floor heating under the tiles carried warming grounds. This is done with a view, to avoid heat loss in the room. It will increase not only the efficiency of the heating operation, but also its efficiency during operation.
One of the best options for warming - penofol. It is presented in the form of web material, having a layer for fixing to the base. Additionally it has a coating of foil, to reflect heat to the room side. Sheets of the insulation material laid out on the surface of the concrete floor joint in a joint space and glued foiled tape compound. To be more effective insulation, the material must go on several walls in the room.
There are other alternatives for insulation, which have an impact on reducing the distance from floor to ceiling. There may be mentioned polystyrene or polypropylene.
At the end of this stage of the wall on top of the heater located, mounted damper tape, designed to compensate for thermal expansion of the whole structure in service. Do not be amiss to make laying on the surface of the metal mesh, serving as a reinforcement and to avoid any direct contact of the heating elements with insulation. This subsequently allows a few to reduce the amount of work when installing electric underfloor heating under tiles.
Location of the temperature sensor
temperature sensor It is intended to, to independently monitor the entire system. In addition to the sensor, set the thermostat, that can not be mechanically, but also electronic. All this will put the temperature level, that will be needed for a comfortable stay in the room.
Mounting of data elements is performed on the wall, near the outlet arrangement. But the temperature sensor is mounted directly on the floor. The thermostat on the wall is made Stroebe (only vertically on level), and cutting grooves in the ground floor. It is important to place it in the pre-corrugated pipe. A place, which is attached sensor - the middle part between the existing two turns of the heating element. In such a case should be excluded any intersection.
That during screed for underfloor heating elements under tiles, Corrugated tube with the sensor is not filled with a solution of, one end is filled with sealant.
The layout of the heating mats
Stacking heating mats made strictly according to the scheme, which was previously set up prior to installation. In this case, on the basis of sex is a special markup, corresponding drawing settings. When cutting the glass should be careful, so as not to damage the wire. This all lead to failure of the whole structure.
cable resistance should not differ by more than 10 percent of the data, specified in the data sheet for the material. There is also determined and the phase of cable. colors of the wires may be made to facilitate this process. On them all, and determined.
mounting tape is used for fixing by concrete base or plastic clamps on metal grid. Across the room area to be selected the same distance between adjacent turns. Otherwise, it will not be uniform heating of the subfloor in the room.
After that you should test the system and errors in the work. For this purpose, initially verified resistance, which should correspond to the parameters, previously defined, before the beginning installation work. Further there is a system to connect to the network. If the work is normal and there are no deviations, you can proceed to the next step.
Verifying essential. If installation errors will be identified in the future, will have to carry out the dismantling flooring and filled screed. It is not only spend private time, but also sufficient funds.
Can be placed in a warm floor screed or under the tiles immediately. All will depend on the heating element. For floor screed You need to prepare a solution. In it the following elements should be combined:
- water (0.6 parts).
- Cement (1 part).
- Sand (4 parts).
- crushed stone (5 parts).
- plasticizer (1% cement weight).
To surface cracks did not appear and minimized shrinkage process solution, water should be added in the required quantity, literally. The solution is strictly forbidden to add perlite or expanded clay. They only disturb heat transfer and can lead to overheating of the entire system, Bring her down.

The thickness of the screed floor heating in the averages vary from 40 to 60 mm. Everything will depend on its purpose and the reasons. Greater thickness would lead to unstable operation of the heating system, nor efficiency. After pouring closure biding time until complete drying of the solution. On is to spend about a month. During this period prohibited from incorporation into the network electric floor heating. If mounted electric floor heating under the tiles without ties, You do not have to wait for this period.
It is worth noting, that concrete warm screed Tile is used only in the event, when applied heating cable. Termomaty also can serve as the basis for the subsequent laying of ceramic tiles on special glue. That is carried out without a warm floor screeds under tiles.
Laying tiles
When screed grabbed (after 3 day), you are ready to tile flooring on floor heating. In the absence of experience is better to wait for the complete drying of the fill. After all tiles must rest exclusively on a horizontal surface. Used glue It should be laid on the surface with a layer of not more than 7 mm.
Getting Started electrical underfloor heating - after drying tile adhesive. Usually it takes about 20 days. More details on all written instructions from the manufacturer. In operation, should monitor the maximum temperature parameters, which will be transferred to the premises. This will allow the flooring for a long time.
happy neighborhood
Tiles may go immediately to the surface of the heating mat. This design has a much more positive moments, than regular cable. But always respected the installation process, fulfilling his every point. Laying of floor heating under the tiles with their hands is very fast. But in the absence of experience and understanding of the whole process, best left to laying a tile floor heating specialists.
In the moment grouting Between shvov tiles in Thermal, it is important not to damage the insulation of the contacts. It is best to use only the flexible mix, targeting system electric underfloor. Herself zatirka reliability conducted after day after laying tile.
Concerning glue, what else can you say about, the adhesive used in the epoxy resin. In the room should be observed and maintained normal temperature and humidity, to all the qualities of the adhesive was able to purchase. These recommendations are always spelled out on the packaging out of the adhesive from the manufacturer.
Resistance electric cable underfloor heating It checked not only at the end of the deck, but also for laying tile. If it will not change, you can be sure, that the integrity of the mats is not broken. As an instrument it is best to use an ohmmeter. He will tell if needed, which areas should be repaired.
As a result of the placement will a great option heating system in the room. Main strictly adhere to the technology and sequence of all the works. All of these items and recommendations will provide a reliable design, which will transfer the required amount of heat the ground floor, and will meet all the requirements of reliability.