Before the start of laying laminate in the apartment should pay attention to the basic provisions and the instruction itself, in which all the rules and guidelines spelled out clearly. At first glance, everything is very simple and easy. But, As in any system, there may be some difficulty in installation, which will have to cope alone.
Preparation tool and material
To begin with the necessary material and equipment purchased in the store, which will allow to produce flooring flooring in the shortest possible time and with the highest efficiency. The work will be an excellent assistant with a hammer jigsaw, hacksaw (it really is not recommended for cutting the individual slats, as it not only spoils the appearance, but also the protective layer of the laminate). More problems arise with the last rows of the floor covering, as it is necessary not to carry out the cut across, and along the.

make a calculation and mark the cutting place will stick with a ruler, and roulette. A hammer to strike the laminate can not be, as the tool joints are damaged. It is better to buy a special tool - dobojnika. The last row of flooring is laid using a special bracket, which is called "montazhki".
Laminate itself can be stowed independently on the basis of sex in the room without additional elements. The substrate is essential, since the sipes helps protect against external influences weather (humidity and temperature differentials). In addition it is better to buy ready-made wedges, which will be installed along the walls to create a gap in the 10-15 mm. This is particularly important when the device Heated floor on laminate, regardless of its type and the type of.
The need for polyethylene film
Spoke of the substrate, should know about, whether there is a need for laying a laminate of a polyethylene film. She is perfect in case, if the room, in which you are working, located on the first floor of the building, when in addition to this there is unheated (raw) basement. Laying polyethylene film is performed under suits backing. It interconnects the tape. Must necessarily be an overlap of the film series on the number of, so that it can perform its main function. In this case, there is no moisture inside there will not.
Laminate flooring can lay down on concrete floor, which is very slightly dry out. Not everyone is ready to wait for 28-30 days before it is completely dry. This causes high humidity, but, Consequently, risk for a floor covering. High humidity is typical for buildings, made cast-concrete structures.
If you do not take measures to protect from moist air or base, even the most high-quality laminate quickly will become worthless (deforms, It starts with the passage of time to publish scratches and other sounds while walking).
All these points suggest that, not more than, and even necessary, will produce a polyethylene film under the flooring laminate substrate. Run all you can very quickly, and spent a lot of money will not. The most important thing, that over time it will be very obvious and hard work result. In addition, almost all the manufacturers in their instructions laying laminate own hands indicate the need for laying polyethylene film under the substrate.
Design works
Initially, it is to determine the order, what a way to laminate laying on the steps below will be chosen. The traditional way is called a rectangular. In this case, the calculation is performed in a simple manner: multiplied by the width of the room by its length (we get area), which is further multiplied by 10%. The latest figures will be needed to compensate for the material if it is damaged or cut.
There is a way to visually create the appearance of more space - carried out step by step laying laminate diagonally to the front door. Here, the calculation is made in the same way (we get area), but instead of 10% the final result is multiplied by 20%, since significantly increase the cost of materials during the cutting slats.
When it is determined with the number of laminate, we must think about the substrate beneath it. The substrate serves as a vapor barrier room, cushion external influences on the floor, and absorbs noises. When laminate flooring on concrete surface, the substrate thickness must be 3 mm. When the wooden support will be sufficient and 2 mm. Main material, from which you pad - foamed polypropylene. Can be found in stores and cork backing, that the cost will be much larger. Not always a good idea to use just such a material, since the laminate itself is not among the expensive flooring. I.e, it will be enough and classic performance.
Between a substrate tape strip should fasten. This suggests the need to purchase a roll of adhesive tape, which will be enough on a standard sized room.
Types of interlocks
Now you can go directly to the selection of laminate, which will be laid on the floor according to the instructions. It is more, but their qualities, may differ in lock connection:
- «Click». Start laying It focused on the wall. When assembled the first row of floor covering, insert wedges between it and the wall. Technological gap is usually taken in the range 10-12 mm. The projection of the first series of sipes should refer it to the walls. No cracks when it should not be, all locks should be confined tightly to each other. Proper closure of locks is guaranteed in the event, insert the panel into each other to carry out should be at an angle of 45 degrees. When lowering should hand a click, an indication of compliance for laying laminate instructions. The second row is mounted according to the following basic rule: compound produced panels in end seals, after which they are slid into the insertion slot at a predetermined angle. Similarly produced and stacking all subsequent rows.
- «Lock». Instructions for laying laminate some will be different. Prior to joining the panels to each other, they must be installed horizontally, to connect the spike on one of them with a slot on the other. Thereafter, using a hammer, and wooden supports are tightly fitted to get rid of the gap. There are features for the second (later) number of floor covering. Originally placed first panel, which is driven into the groove of the first row. indented before the installation of the second panel 10 mm from the end of the first part, It is connected to the previous series and is adjusted to the first panel.
- adhesive bonding. The longest stacking process is typical to use glue to connect the slats laminate. some deem, there is no point in such a way, so it is taken away only personal time. In this case, the laminate can last for much longer, as all his joints reliably be protected from moisture. As for the adhesive used, then it must be water-resistant. Laying process similar to the process with the type «Lock» locks. Be made only on the end portions of applying adhesive.
Leveling the floor
Everybody knows, laminate that requires attention to base floor. It allowed only a minor deviation in height, but not more 1-2 mm per meter in the room. If there are minor defects of the base in a room, should be made self-leveling casting composition, which is readily prepared from ready dry mixes.
If same sex swings significant and noticeable, and there are other error, We need to produce high-quality alignment by creating ties. Filling can prepare yourself, proportioning according to the instructions. More simple and fast way - kneading ready-mix concrete for the floor version. Apart from the so-called "wet" base alignment options indoors, can also be used "dry", when logs are held, are covered by plywood sheets. Generally, there are many ways to create smooth surface, to subsequently produce flooring flooring.
If you move away from the item,, then over time the laminate rapidly fail. He will begin to change their appearance (It becomes a "boat"), and very quickly break away from the interlocks and continuous load from the outside.
Then you can already start to the flooring substrate, which is chosen for a particular embodiment of the floor covering.
floating method
The laminate can be attached to the base of special adhesive composition, or be in limbo. Instructions for floating laying laminate means by a bond between panels, but nothing in relation to the base.

It should be every 10-12 linear meters arrange expansion joints. They will not allow the laminate to change the parameters of temperature variations inside the room. Special clearances must be provided between the wall, which subsequently masked by setting the skirting walls along the perimeter. The main advantages of this method laminate installation:
- It is possible to carry out the disassembly and reassembly of a floor covering, if necessary and assuming instructions violations. Manufacturers say, Such actions can be performed up to three or four times.
- There is no need of waiting the glue drying. Floorings can be used immediately after assembly and installation in a room skirting.
- panels, that were damaged during the stowage, easily replaced with new. The same applies to the elements, which are deformed during operation.
Laying chamfered
This laminate embodiment is somewhat different from the classical. At the top, bevelled edges of several (with 2 or 4 sides). Such manipulations allow the laminate to be like an expensive flooring made of natural wood. Additionally, the lamella ends are protected from the appearance of chips and bundles of material.
installation this type of laminate is fully consistent with conventional manual assembling a floor covering. It must be constructed of a substrate layer, which is placed on the quality leveled base. For the installation, you can select one of the suitable options:
- perpendicular.
- Parallel.
- Diagonally.
The lack of thresholds
If you wish to make laying laminate in the room and at the same time do without thresholds, It can interfere with certain nuances. It is mandatory to have to get expansion joints throughout the apartment, if its area is greater than 50 m2. Otherwise, all lead to swelling of flooring, that most often occurs in doorways. Do not use this option deck flooring, If one room in area more 120 m2.
In room, where laying laminate produced according to instructions without thresholds, It should be the desired moisture level, without exaggeration. Besides being thoroughly leveling base. We can not forget about the substrate (eg, polyethylene foam), which is laid in several layers, to achieve the target of 2-4 mm.
Subtleties laying diagonally
Such Laminate stacking method with his hands in the steps below is the angle of the floor covering in relation to the walls - 45 degrees. Begin all work exclusively on the central part and the direction of the side walls. The choice of direction you can do yourself. Along the walls of a mandatory gap left deformation, equal 10-15 mm.
The first row of panels should be laid on a tight thread from one corner of the room, the opposite. To carry out the cutting of possible using special hacksaw or jigsaw metal. true, in the latter case you will have to spend a bit more time and effort. panels can not throw out the remains of. They can be useful in the future.
At the completion of all interventions will only dock with laminated walls, doorways and other elements in the apartment. This should be done through a variety of options thresholds, which can be direct, and flexible, to circumvent any obstacles. The main thing to remember about, that when laying laminate made with their own hands, step by step instructions must be observed without fail. Only in this case it will be possible to achieve a positive and desired results.
Each point is very important for the performance of the installation of floor coverings in the form of a laminate. At the same time there are certain subtleties depending on specific situations. All this is necessary to pay attention especially during the first performance. If no own knowledge in this area and there are doubts about the quality of work, better to give preference to professionals. Article written for