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Features on the floor laying laminate

Using the laminate as a floor covering, It can be performed efficiently and quickly installation subfloors indoors. For a variety of configurations, you can choose multiple options slats. Mounting can implement even a beginner performer. The main requirement - strict adherence to the technology of laying laminate on the floor. Simple at first glance, the rules will eventually lead to a beautiful view outside room.

terms of Use

Before beginning repairs in the apartment or house and choice of flooring, should consider, whether it is suitable laminate to this premise. In addition to the conditions imposed and the rooms themselves, which should not be elevated temperatures, High moisture levels. In operation, the laminate, if there is a desire to improve his life, indoor constant temperature should be maintained within the 15-30 degrees, and humidity - from 40 to 70 percent.

at laminate device sex, the latter must be perfectly flat, without defects. Per meter is allowed a slight elevation change within 2 mm. In the event of need to perform work on the creation of a flat surface. To this end, arranged concrete screed, self-leveling floor or other embodiments are used. If you deviate from this action, the laminate for a short period fails.

Laying the laminate on the floor

Normal laminate can not get on top of underfloor heating systems. This will lead to its rapid drying, manifestation deformation and other defects, which will lead to the necessity of dismantling. The maximum permissible warm-up temperature below a floor covering - 27 degrees. For electric underfloor You must use special types of laminate, marked accordingly.

Besides, It can not be immediately after the purchase to bring the laminate into a room and make it packing. He should "mature" for two days, to become accustomed to the temperature regime. In the process of the present can not be used in such fasteners, as the screws, glue, nails, as all this is strictly spelled out in the instructions from the manufacturer.Laying the laminate on the floor

May use special sealers (Titan, Click Guard, Homax Click) for processing locks. It will not allow moisture to get inside the case slats.

Laying of laminate be made only, if bed specially designed for this substrate. These actions also improve sound and heat insulation qualities subfloor. In certain situations under backing stacking produce polyethylene film with a thickness 200 md, which helps to protect the floor covering against moisture and steam.

surface leveling

The service life of the laminate will depend on, as the quality produced alignment subfloors indoors. For this there are appropriate building regulations:Laying the laminate on the floor

  • When using plywood or planking for alignment, deepen fasteners in p'o-t'ai, then a special machine carried grinding minor irregularities.
  • after pouring screed it is best to treat it with a special primer (Ceresit CT15 or ST17). This will avoid dusting of the concrete floor. In addition, there are cases of separation from the casting after drying small items of sand. They are in the process of operation will rub on the laminate, which will lead to a permanent the script and other extraneous sounds.
  • In the presence of cracks, cracks and potholes, they must all be necessarily sealed. Laying the laminate on the floorFor this purpose repair mortar of sand and cement. If necessary, the solution is to add special components, improving the quality. The recesses may be stopped and prepared self-leveling a mixture of. Once the fill layer grab, it is possible to produce grinding, to remove minor errors.
  • When work is carried out with the old wooden floor, all damaged elements must necessarily change with new. With sufficient ceiling height in the room, used plywood alignment.

Before laying the laminate on the floor, base again dedusted using the construction of the vacuum cleaner. Only by following these steps, you can think about the next stages of flooring flooring in the room.

necessary material

To work brought in a good mood and not be distracted, carried out as soon as possible, kindly requested to buy all the necessary materials for laying laminate floor and equipment. main components: alone laminate, which should get used to the temperature and humidity in the room, Priming compositions, polyethylene foam as a substrate under flooring, wedges, allowing to create technology gaps, glue, skirting and fixing them.Laying the laminate on the floor

many, probably, It will be interested in the question of whether, what wedges and where they can be purchased at all. They play the role of, as a daggers for ceramic tiles. In order not to spend money on their purchase, You can use a simple piece of laminate, which remained after pruning integral element. Size wedges - 10-15 mm. They create a kind of gap between the stacked rows of wall and, other structures indoors.

Particular attention should be given to the purchase of the laminate. It should not be the exact number of, and which must be obtained by calculation. It is necessary to buy with a small margin, to be able to carry on separate fragments trimming. Number of slats will differ depending on the manufacturer. It is better to look at quadrature, and not on the number.

Now we have to think about the instrument:Laying the laminate on the floor

  • knife construction.
  • Bar wood.
  • Hammer.
  • corner, roulette.
  • Pencil.
  • Jigsaw or hacksaw.

Where necessary, the acquired and the special tool. Everything will depend on the list of works and the specifics of the premises.

The choice of the substrate

For laminate is not suitable for contact with wet surfaces. When the device floor covering on their own have to remember to the waterproofing layer, arrange on top concrete surface. As the waterproofing membrane may be used or diffuse polyethylene film, having a thickness 200 md.Laying the laminate on the floor

This layer is required only on the concrete base. If we have the basis of plywood, wood, flooring, etc., in the film there is no need. The concrete floors are called not only sand-cement screed, but also concrete floors, monolithic ceilings, plate with round cavities. All of them are laying laminate flooring will require waterproofing layer of film.

It is worth noting, that has no role, This old concrete surface or just laid. It would in any case have the property to absorb not only, but also allocate a certain moisture level. If all competently perform, the laminate It will be kept in service, and will not be adversely affected. When the stack of plastic film must be left between the rows overlap in 15-20 mm.Laying the laminate on the floor

functions pads following:

  1. protection laminate, so it does not warp and do not wear a rough screed.
  2. Soundproofing.
  3. Alignment the subfloor, elimination of minor errors.
  4. Static floating floor.
  5. Barrier against moisture.

There may be cases, when laminate is laid top-quality linoleum postelennuyu. In this case, the substrate and the role it can perform. Furthermore linoleum Epps used in rolls or sheets, composite materials, air-bubble film, having a thickness of about 3 mm. Laying laminate budget may not be combined with the substrate in the form of a plug. Although this material is widely used, if the funds can afford.

The thickness of substrate will depend on the thickness of the slats themselves. If the standard version in 9 mm, the substrate will be sufficient, and in 3 mm. In all other cases will have to look for options with a thick 4 or even 5 mm. All these recommendations can be found in the instructions from the manufacturer.

Selecting the layout

Laying laminate slats in the future should resemble brickwork. junction must be located in the central part of the slats is not only the previous, but subsequent rows. It is the location of points on the professionalism of the Executive. When the installation own means sometimes it is and no one pays attention. The result is not very sturdy construction, and besides as not having an attractive appearance.

Options slats laying next:

  • Parallel to the front door to the room.
  • Perpendicular to the entrance of the room.
  • Diagonally.Laying the laminate on the floor

that slat assembly rules They have been met, pre peculiar circuit must draw, which display elements. Everything should fit really, saved the scale and dimensions of laminate with respect to the parameters of the entire premises. The plan should reflect all the ledges and other architectural details. In addition, it should be recorded in the compulsory damping padding on the perimeter along the walls, that is 10 mm. Payment made on the exact number of slats on one row and the necessary length of the segment, which is filled with a pass.

When one part of the segment lamellas, should be retained, since there is a possibility, it is suitable to fill the missing part in a number of. Thus it is necessary to pay attention to, it longitudinal ridge should be cut flush.

cunning plan

During the planning and pre-distribution slat laminate should take into account certain subtleties, enables the calculation of quality.

  1. Practically impossible to do so, to the very first series consisted of full-length slats. Laying the laminate on the floorBut in this case, from the left end of the 1st slats already the second row to cut as much, as required for high-quality offset stacking. This is usually ½ or 1/3 sipe laminate part. Everything will depend on installation process and artist preferences.
  2. The room may be specific architectural elements (fireplace, oriel, balcony). Here it is necessary to start producing laminate installation on the floor of their central axis.
  3. Once at the location of one-piece series, the latter of which width will be less than or equal 50 mm, from the first row should be made not only took a comb. Calculations are made with a view, to extreme ranks (two) We have the same width.

To produce high quality cut slats, should have available appropriate tool (jigsaws). Appearance will be damaged, if in normal use a hacksaw. Before, how to lay laminate on the floor with their hands, should examine all the details of the work and possible pitfalls.

The nuances of installation

installation It will not always be easy and fast. In some cases, you will have to get some skills and experience, to make all quality. This is due to the fact, it is practically impossible to find a room without various communications projections, as well as ornamental fragments.

When it is necessary to bypass the heating pipes, originally should turn plate and attach it to the existing (laid). Corner will allow to draw a line on the surface of the laminate, which will indicate the location of the heating pipes. Thereafter, the laminate is applied to the side of, focusing on the wall. This allows you to make a mark - the distance from the wall to the pipe. The resulting plots, which intersect with each other, point to place pipes pass.Laying the laminate on the floor

Holes drilled in the laminate using special drills, dubbed ballerina. It is worth paying attention to, that the holes are drilled slightly larger, about 2 cm, on the desired size of pipe diameter indoors. In the future, all is sealed with special plastic plugs, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

The projections of the walls also will hinder the simple laminate installation into sex. In such a case, a cutout produced strictly by the sipe and the fixed form. It helps around as jigsaws. More difficulties will be in the event of such a plot for radiators. If there is a possibility, it is best to trim trim (plasterboard), under which sums laminate. However, the joint strength in this case would suffer. To reliability remained, lubricate the joints of the slats prepared glue.

Eliminating joints

Between the stacked fins and, e.g. sill joints can be formed, affecting the appearance and beauty of the whole room. Laying the laminate on the floorTo get rid of them apply thresholds. The most popular is direct thresholds. Long service life are characterized by metal options. For curved flexible interface used porozhki. Altogether there are several basic types of thresholds, used to remove the laminate joints and other elements in the room:

  • sibling. allows join slats, located in different rooms. Alignment produced in the doorway.
  • split-level. Necessary for joining laminate flooring and other flooring options, tiles which can be, carpet, etc.
  • Angular. It is used for joining the laminate on the steps.
  • Unilateral. When docking laminate with the decorative elements in apartment (fireplace) or door.Laying the laminate on the floor

Caring for laminate

The quality of the laminate laying on the floor will depend on its exploitation period. In addition to long life will have an impact and flooring care.

It is impossible to bring before, that the surface of the laminate had a large amount of dirt and dust. It must be removed as often as possible. Laying the laminate on the floorThis will help the vacuum cleaner or a slightly dampened cloth. On sale there are special funds, designed for high-quality care for laminate (many, Chistyla and others.). Besides on the surface, they form a protective layer, which repels moisture and staining.

From the upper layer integrity protection laminate from moisture will depend. When the damage or scratches, coating begins to absorb moisture. Should not be used to laminate large amounts of water during cleaning. Better well do without detergent cleaner, which can only harm.

To remove stains,, shoe cream or fat can not use metal brushes. Practical and profitable to buy a special tool, allowing to bring these spots.

All this allows us to answer the painful question of, how to lay laminate flooring. As a result, you can at an acceptable cost to get a quality and durable flooring. It can last for a long time, if exercise competent care for laminate. The article was written for the site






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