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Rules for the choice of laminate laying on the floor

An excellent choice for a floor covering in the flat will serve laminate. It has excellent performance, and also very easy to install, which is fashionable to perform on their own without the participation of specialists. But it is very important to make the right choice in favor of one or another variant of the laminate, depending on the available base, of his qualities, as well as of the premises where the work will be carried out.

Distinctive features

If the choice falls on the quality laminate, then it is unlikely that anyone will be able to distinguish from real wood. Also the flooring is presented in various structures, the presence or absence of various figures, shades and colors. During operation, it does not emit any unpleasant foreign reserves, chemical substances, that is completely safe for human health and the.The choice of laminate

It does not require any serious knowledge in order, to a good laminate flooring remained constantly clean and tidy. It's enough to make periodic cleaning with the help of special tools or just wipe with a damp cloth. This quality is very important if you have small children.

When you buy should pay attention to the classiness of flooring, which indicates its strength and ability to withstand external loads. The highest class also generally adjusted for any device variant underfloor heating in the room. The higher the class, the higher the operational period. So, class 31 laminate able to last over 12 years old, and if the selected class 34, already within 25 years old.

coating Thickness

Layer laminate should be selected individually. All will depend on the operating conditions, subfloor condition and other factors, including the presence of heating pipes or heating elements other variants. The optimum thickness of the sipe should be 7-8 mm. The thickness will be different and the value used floor covering. But fewer of these parameters should not choose.The choice of laminate

Will depend on the thickness and thermal conductivity laminate. Than it is thinner, the colder it will be. But this is an indication of a characteristic of the classical use of the floor covering in the concrete or wooden floor. If you pay attention to the device of warm floors, it is all a bit different, or rather all the contrary. The choice of laminateIf thick slats will be selected, the heating elements will not be able to instantly warm up their, but, Consequently, the heat will be lost. Additionally it will increase the power supply or electric coolant, to effectively heat the air in the room. This all leads to additional costs and permanent loss of money.

But too thin laminate do not buy, as under the influence of external factors, in the form of massive furniture and interior items, as well as the constant distance, he quickly goes down, collapse interlocks and the surface of the floor covering. It is necessary to know exactly, How to choose laminate flooring, so that they enjoy a long time.

editing process

Mounting of the laminate to a greater extent will depend on the version of the tank compound. Fashionably certainly do without it, but then you have to use additional special glue, lubricate the end portion of each laminate element, spend significantly more time on styling.

There are two types of locks:

  1. Click. Laminate with such compounds is simple stacking. Themselves locks at an angle 45 degrees. It is this angle and you should choose when you place the following number of slots in the previous. Dignity is still in the fact, that allowed some base flatness error. For every meter height difference allowed on 3 mm.The choice of laminate
  2. Lock. Most based on the requirements of such locks - Qualitative performance ground. Otherwise, about any quality can be no question. And to make the laminate stacking with such locks did not work. Their cost is lower, than that of the first embodiment of the tool joint. But it is hardly the first time will make installation of flooring without errors. So it is necessary to seek professional help.

Laminate Children's Room

Here the choice must be the, to buy only high-quality, environmentally friendly coating. After all, kids will always be in my room, including walking on the laminate. The choice of laminateWhen you purchase are the main points, and which should mainly pay attention, so that during the operation nothing to regret:

  • Do not choose dark colors of flooring, because in most cases, the children's rooms are small size. Little of, it indicates a certain amount of light in the room, so even visually make it somewhat less.
  • Bright hues, even very bright, better to buy in low light in a tight room.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the presence and design of furniture and other decor in the room. Laminate should not only be selected by them, but combined with them, to some degree, even complement.

The floor covering should also be practical and safe. In this case, attention is paid to the following points:

  • Formaldehyde emission class. In its composition contains formaldehyde HDF boards, which is most often used as a basics of laminate flooring. The level of this component is worth checking out on a mandatory basis, but rather just to see the certificate of conformity for products. In this figure it is listed as E1 (0,124 possible m3). Some even this setting do not want to purchase for laying on the floor. Then go ahead for the purchase of a laminate with an indication of E0 in the certificate. It is the safest form of, which is perfect for a child's room.

    The choice of laminate
    laminate construction

  • Children will never sit on the ground. They are constantly on the move, run. If the laminate is very slippery, there is a high probability of falling and injury. For this reason, you should independently verify the surface on the slide or purchase option with anti-slip coating.
  • Antistatichnosty. Specific models of the laminate can not collect dust. This improves the quality of prices and the ability to produce light in the room cleaning. In doing so, the children will feel comfortable, and not to breathe the dust during the games and stay in your room.

You can also buy certain laminate number with water-repellent effect. When water development, it will just remain on the surface. As for the flooring klassnosti, then the best option - 32. He even eliminating the need for floor heating system in a tough room. Comfort and convenience will be provided for children.

Entrance hall

Use of a laminate hallway has both advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages include the ability to create real lasting coverage, getting 33 and 34 laminate class. In such a case will not be afraid of external loads, as well as the constant walking.

With respect to the flooring surface, it is best to choose a matte version. This is due to the fact, that the glossy varnish or generally surface will cause inconvenience when moving due to excessive skolzosti. Especially it will be manifested in the winter season or in wet weather.The choice of laminate

The most basic shortcoming - the inability of the laminate actively resist moisture. After all, in the hallway, we enter into the shoes, which may be not only wet, but with the snow particles, ice. This is not the best option is of course a glossy or varnished surface. In this case, as soon as it is worth mentioning about safety, which can not be achieved.

When choosing, you can navigate and manufacturers. From them will depend on the quality of products, as well as their cost. When finances have and has the desire to buy really high-quality coating on the floor, the view is worth stopping at the laminate manufacturer in Germany, Belgium and Austria.

"Warm floor" system

Everyone wants to have in your apartment or house quality subfloor, which also will be warm and comfortable. It is in this case chosen system of floor heating of various types. Thus it is necessary to pay special attention is the floor covering, of which will depend on the durability of the downstream layers of the structure.The choice of laminate

But what to choose laminate flooring? This will help Sales, which has some knowledge in this area. Do not be amiss to ask for professional help. Tell right choice and marking on the packaging from under the floor covering. Factsheet, which should put each manufacturer, It provides information about the material.

The first laminate has to withstand certain temperatures, outgoing during operation underfloor heating systems any kind. A separate category - Radiant Floor Heating, wherein in the laminate should be inscription H2O under the picture tube.

In the operation of the floor covering must not release or release at a minimum in the environment harmful to the human body of toxic substances. This tells laminate class, which is best to choose E0 (complete absence of formaldehyde emissions).The choice of laminate

If the requirements of the manufacturers will be broken during the use of the laminate, the high probability of its failure. In this case, the manufacturer will no longer be liable to the contractor and the buyer. It deals more with temperature modes underfloor heating, which normally varies 27-29 degrees. So it is necessary to properly configure itself to work the base heating.

To get really high quality subfloor in the room, We should pay attention to for some time to choose the laminate as a floor covering. On its quality and the manufacturer's service life and durability of the whole "pie" will depend, special, if there are additional components in it, requiring external protection against damage. When all items are met and produced professional advice on choosing flooring, it is possible to start gradually and sequentially stacking.





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