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The sequence of works in the repair of apartments

Everyone wants to lead his home in proper form. To this end, it hosts a variety of improvements, including repairs in the apartment. But it should be aware of, how better to do and where to start, the whole process does not drag on for a long time. In addition to pre-treatment must be purchased and the necessary set of tools. But everything will depend on the amount of work.


It is not always necessary to do overhaul, that the apartment has got original appearance. The sequence of repair of an apartmentIt will be enough to repair some parts, perekleit wallpaper or perestelit floor screed. But when it's all radically tired and want something especially, then you can safely take on a major instead of a cosmetic.

When it comes to modern design and new technologies, it is best to seek professional help. They own their own experience will choose the material for the work, and transform each room. Especially if it is performed within the redevelopment of apartment or house. But here it is important to bear in mind the budget, which is available on the hands. All possibilities and wishes should be implemented in full.

Preparing for repair

During the preparation of, you should know exactly, make repairs, first floor or ceiling. Nuances and tips here very much. But it should be initially defined with, that I want to get in the end. the impression of design, interior. Every detail must be taken into account, until finishing.

With regards to the repair should define the scope of work. It will be enough to alter the ceiling, pokleit new wallpaper or start dismantling the floor covering, replace the tie and make the system of floor heating. Future outlet must find their place before work.

In order not to encounter unexpected embezzlement, estimates should be drawn up, which spells out all the costs. It identifies all, it will be repaired. But even here it should be understood in the repairs, what to do at first floor or wall. The calculations indicate the necessary amount of material and the purchase of necessary tools. It is worth noting, that the number of building materials should be taken from the reserve, so as not to stumble on the termination of repair work. Also here other party can be on sale, eg tiles, which will be the tone slightly different from the original.The sequence of repair of an apartment

Not every work is done in-house repair. In some cases, will have to seek professional help. All to be able to practically impossible. So it is possible to putty the walls, and parquet laying to trust the professionals. Save in any case be, as the work is carried out for the future, that is, for a long time. If the present experienced craftsmen, You do not have to think about, First plastered walls or poured floor. They will prompt all the subtleties and nuances. But prior to pouring the floor screed should take all possible work on the ceiling and walls.

In the list of preparatory measures should include the acquisition of tools to work. The sequence of repair of an apartmentThe amount and the list will also depend on the amount of work, that I want to get as a result of repair. In some cases, you can buy or rent professional equipment, providing more accurate results.

for repair a great time - Spring. The ambient temperature begins to rise above zero, It can be carried out room ventilation, if necessary. And to find construction crew much easier, Since the work they are not particularly loaded.

When all the above is satisfied, should define the sequence of work. Not everyone is aware of the fact, perform that first, alignment of the walls or floor. But even before that time other important actions are performed.


At this stage it removes not only the floor, but the old wallpaper, exposed joinery, washed away with whitewashing the ceiling. If there is also demountable suspended ceilings, system of plasterboard, that only interfere with the quality of repair.

Removing flooring is performed only in the last instance. Better trash from the ceiling and walls will fall on him, than fall on the floor base.

There may be cases, when the floor in the repair do not apply. There need carefully to conceal surface oilcloth thick paperboard layer, and further. The sequence of repair of an apartmentNothing should prevent damage to the floor covering during the dismantling.

Somewhat later, attention is drawn to the old windows and doors. Obnalichnik removed only in the doorway at the entrance. Premature removal and installation of new windows can cause damage during repairs. Subsequently, then we need to tint their, restore, wash or even change to new.

When all these actions have been carried out in full and submitted extra garbage, remnants of old materials, You can send their power to the next stage.


This stage is associated with shtroblenie walls in the room, so that they could put all the cables and wiring. This includes:

  1. wiring harness (electric cable, a television, Internet, speaker cables, etc.).
  2. distributing life-support systems. All available communication plumbing system, heating systems, air conditioning, sewage and other sites.The sequence of repair of an apartment

This type of work is one of the dirtiest. Consequently, they should take the first steps repair of apartments. Even it allows you to get an answer, repair the first floor or other areas. It is important to make calculations and draw up a layout of all the room. The place, where the TV will be installed, suspended air conditioner, located electrical systems.

Finishing the ceiling and walls

Next, do a rough finish, as the ceiling, and walls. That draft, not finish. When it comes to ceiling, they should only be engaged after, as the papered wall in the room. As for the ceiling, he prepares so, to his left to paint or otherwise tick off. The sequence of repair of an apartmentAt this stage the work on the plaster walls and ceilings, shpaklevke, Denuded of old coatings.

Painted or wall, no ceiling can not be, because all the subsequent steps also cause a lot of dust, which easily settles on the surface. If you replaced the old windows with new, they should hide, to stick masking tape. Also, in parallel with that made slopes, who plastered.

Removed the issue from the, that the first line the floor or wall. Naturally walls should be addressed, so that in the future with them I did not get all the debris and remains on the subfloor.

Fill rough floor screed

When the old coating will remain in place, then nothing would have to do here. But if you have to do major repairs, then make it to its logical conclusion. Consequently, the old coating is removed at the very beginning, then executed floor screed or used for the self-leveling potting mixture. The sequence of repair of an apartmentTheir market represented a huge range, and there is no need to think about quality dilution required components. If the technology will not be met adequately proportions, the solid foundation to see, not be able.

To proceed to the next stage, it is necessary to wait for the complete drying of the surface. Specific dates are usually spelled out in the instructions from the manufacturer, and which should be followed, observing technology. This helps us to answer the, first floor or plaster is poured. Strainer fulfilled only after, as the works on finishing and leveling of walls and ceilings.

As a floor covering can be used parquet. But after laying, make total surface grinding. This causes a huge amount of dust. To prevent its occurrence in the future, the best thing to do right now parquet. In the following will only hide the well surface, so as not to damage it.


It is considered to be an important process primer not only the walls, but the ceiling indoors. This improves the adhesion properties with the further use of the material. All the small particles interconnected and will not interfere with grasping. Quality priming checked by hand.The sequence of repair of an apartment

When primer dries up, on its surface can be done palm. It is possible to start the next phase after, when it is not to remain on a dust arm, delaminations, remnants of putty.


There is nothing complicated. It is enough to paint the ceiling in the selected color, paste over it, or otherwise make the finish. The same applies to walls. The sequence of repair of an apartmentGetting pasting wallpaper. There are cases of execution of decorative plaster. It all depends on the financial opportunities and the final result.

Since the room is almost ready, it can only perform the selected options deck flooring. On the prepared base material is placed and fixed in all possible and suitable methods. As for the flooring, then it can only cover layer or with several layers of lacquer to impart gloss and perform a protective function.

In a separate category highlighted tiles on the floor. It keeps the finish after finishing the ceiling. Tile adhesive is likely to fall on the walls, that just spoil the quality of the whole has been repaired.

Next will only put new doors, and do windows. If this is all done, the final touch is to install baseboards on the perimeter of the room on floor.

Repair Tips

Experts identify some of the subtleties in making repairs in the apartment. Each separate area requires attention and effort while working. If you move away from it, it is unlikely it will turn out perfect and the room in the apartment, which was presented at the initial stage.

  • Floor. Not always be immediately remove the old foundation and perform floor screed. If it is in excellent condition, you can just replace flooring. Work can be performed even on the technology in-house.
  • Windows and doors. The best option - a complete replacement of old windows with new, with better insulating properties.
  • Kitchen and toilet. The sequence of repair of an apartmentThe first work in such premises - replacement of sanitary equipment. metal pipes, are likely to change as the inside is already rusty. An excellent embodiment here serve plastic analogs. Must be replaced and the riser pipe. The pipes must be changed, since performed all repairs, that located inside the. If she randomly burst, it will be a waste of time and money. Suffer even neighbors from above and below.
  • Ceiling. A great option - ceilings. They are built with ease any options for lighting, eliminating the need for chandeliers.

Getting repair of apartments and each of its rooms, should initially determine the scope of work, and obtain the desired result. Drawing up an overall plan of operations and costs, It allows to calculate every step to success. If you perform all the work yourself, the final sum was considerably reduced.






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