the main / Floor / Warm floor / Water floor heating / The correct choice of pipes for warm water floor

The correct choice of pipes for warm water floor

floor heating device in the room instead of the classic radiator allows to bring into the room and comfort, as well as take full advantage of the entire area. It acts not only as the main, but also the additional option of heating in the apartment. But it is very important to perform a quality installation, that the service life has reached its maximum threshold. Thus no small importance is the material used in the, in particular a pipe for floor heating. By their choice should be approached with great responsibility.

Requirements for pipes

Installation of floor heating is not among the very easiest ways to device. But if you look into the technology, the time taken to cut. It is understood that, that can not be used in the tubes for hot and cold water supply. Heating elements must resist pressure drops, temperature indicators, and bacteriological and chemical stress. Even plastic pipes or on the basis of metal and plastic can serve for several decades.

Pipe must be respected and other requirements:

  • Elasticity. They should be bent manually, but at the same time be stable and remain intact along the entire perimeter. This will allow quality installation, and calculate their number more precisely. Selection of pipes for floor heatingDuring the operation they must not break, crack.
  • Tightness and reliable isolation. The heating system must be protected from the occurrence of oxidation processes.
  • Should not be used cast-iron pipes. This is all provided for building regulations.

It is best to pay attention to the well-known manufacturers. As a result, you get not only a quality installation and all products, but also to receive compensation, if the marriage will be revealed during operation.

Methods pipelaying

The choice of tubes It should target the most common ways of laying. This can be concrete screed, hence the name of the concrete ways. Additionally conduit may be arranged to lag system from wood, as well as on rough floors. the main thing, that all preparations have been made at the highest level.Selection of pipes for floor heating

Installation can be performed without the use of cement. topcoat, used in the, It rests in this case on the sheets of aluminum, as well as the layer, absorbing moisture. In the latter case we are talking about a foamed polyethylene or ordinary cardboard.

Pipes made of metal

The main components of composite tubes - aluminum and polyethylene. Even if they are not heated, such a product to change the appearance and settings. the main thing, to avoid temperature was over 110 degrees. The water in the system warm water floor usually it warms up no more than 55 degrees. In addition, this type of tube can be easily bent at the required angle. All will depend on the radius of the tube outside.Selection of pipes for floor heating

Pipe bending angle equal to the outer diameter of the pipe, which is multiplied by 8. Reliability at the same time does not suffer.

Metal-plastic has such qualities, as:

  • ecological purity.
  • Corrosion resistance, as well as to chemical environments.
  • Insignificant share.
  • Excellent thermal insulation properties. when driving, e.g. water through conduit not perceptible to the ear during the operating mode.

It is impossible to ignore the minor flaws, which may be encountered when using the multilayer pipe as a core for underfloor heating. The constant change in temperature can have a negative impact on the state of production of the walls. Selection of pipes for floor heatingWhen producing the pipe bend repeatedly, then there is more chance of, the aluminum material layer is damaged and fails. Consequently, all the basic qualities will be lost.

Pipes can not twist or flex about their axis. There are several options and welding of aluminum tape. This may be "butt" or "overlap". The paper used ultrasound. As a result, it remains only to attach the special adhesive inside and outside of the tube elements polyethylene.

The most common pipe diameters - 16 and 20 mm. In such a case the wall will have a wall thickness 2 and 2.25 mm, respectively,. As for the weight of each meter of material, it will be 115 and 170 grams depending on the diameter of the above.

On each product has its own labeling, displaying information about the manufacturer, certificate of conformity, manufacturing date, wall diameter tubes, as well as their thickness. Additionally displays the nominal pressure, lot number, as well as a specific brand (crosslinked PE-X and a conventional PP-R).Selection of pipes for floor heating

polypropylene tubes

They can be used in the event, when the ambient temperature is below +10 degrees. Apart from low-cost material is characterized by solidity, which they acquire after the heat-sealing. Pipes are able to serve for about 25 years old, since they have a sufficient level of strength and reliability. Selection of pipes for floor heatingIt allowed the liquid inside such heating elements to +95 degrees. Due to the fact, that they have a slight bend radius, systems underfloor heating They found a small application. Heating in this case, the room is reduced. In addition, it will also have to acquire the welding nozzle and Socolest.

If you already have and use polypropylene pipe system underfloor heating, you should choose the PN25 marking, relating to the number of reinforced, perforated aluminum foil. Usually performed outside diameter of 21.2 to 77.9 mm, and the thickness is minimum 4 mm and comes to 13.3 mm. So that the final choice will depend entirely on the artist and features of the device underfloor heating in room.

Products XLPE

There are two basic types of pipes XLPE:

  • PEX. The basis material - modified polyethylene. As a result, the manufacturing process produces products, the ability to withstand temperature changes. Long term use of the product is achieved by the anti-oxygen barrier. The entire product range can be found in the construction market. At the same time will have different parameters and specifications, that allows you to make all kinds of works on installation of floor heating no problem. That marking PEX is most often used when the equipment under the floor heating system.Selection of pipes for floor heating
  • Offshore. It is based also polyethylene, having such positive qualities, as an opportunity to make laying in the winter at low temperatures. Durability and reliability throughout the structure remains at the required level. Radiant Floor loves tube diameter 16 and 20 mm. In this pipe for floor heating with PE RT marking has excellent flexibility, they can be bent, if necessary. To say in simple words, the whole editing process no more complicated assembly of the children's designer. Even a novice can first ever cope with this task.Selection of pipes for floor heating

Stainless steel and copper products

Among the conduit structure may include metallic elements such materials, as a stainless steel and copper. To begin, decide with all the qualities of copper materials.

Popularity of brass products used before and now do not go by the wayside. This is due to full compliance with underfloor heating system, which is arranged in the room. Among the positive elements are the high degree of heat. Sam copper heat conductor material is considered, allowing it to be used for heating systems at various levels. In addition, almost eliminated the probability of occurrence on the product corrosion, within, and outside pipes for underfloor heating. Due to the high ductility, they can be stacked in completely any embodiment, to be selected as the primary circuit.Selection of pipes for floor heating

During installation no such precautions when using copper pipes, since mechanical effects a certain extent, they can easily withstand. But it is worth noting, it is not uncommon for the purchase of pipes and braided plastic. This further maintains the pipe from external influence. Yet the main drawback - high cost, that repels several basic consumer mass, who wants to make a system water underfloor heating. So here is difficult to say how, Which is the best pipe for floor heating is suitable in a given situation.

We now turn to stainless steel tubes for the warm water floor. They are presented in the form of corrugations. Despite the softness of the material, their durability and reliability remains high. There is definitely not corrosion will appear on the product during operation. Flexibility allows for installation of floor heating water type in all conditions and different embodiments,.

The various connecting pipes fittings may be used between a. Regardless of the strength of the whole structure is at a high level, and joints sealingly connected. The main drawback, like copper products - high cost, which is only slightly lower.

All these characteristics are exactly prompt, which pipes for floor heating and choose what is best buy, that the heating system has served over the long term.

Calculating the number of

When it is determined in order, which pipes for underfloor heating buy for, it is necessary to calculate the required amount of their. To this end, plotted diagram styling. It is best used in this case is not easy graph paper. It should be displayed in the bathroom scale. In addition to this paper should reflect those home furnishings, which will remain in place after installation. Underneath it is best not to make installation of water floor heating. These areas are excluded from the general. All the space, to be empty, must accommodate themselves to the scheme of laying pipes.Selection of pipes for floor heating

The easiest way to install - "snake". But once it is necessary to remember its main disadvantage, when hot water is supplied in one section of the room and goes to the opposite. Consequently, portion around the heating punch is large, than on a remote. For uniform distribution of room temperature using the scheme "spiral".Selection of pipes for floor heatingthere are requirements, that apply at the time of calculation. The maximum homogeneous portion of the pipe on one circuit must not exceed 60 m. Otherwise, the heat medium in the pipes will be greatly save temperature to yield. The effectiveness of the operation of such a system will be almost no. If the room has a large area, it is best to make a few areas, wherein pave separate circuit.

In the figure, the distance should remain near the walls, approximately at 15-20 cm, and between adjacent areas should not be more 35 cm, to achieve uniformity of warm floor in the room. All this should be reflected on paper, on a scale.

tube diameter 16 cm distance from warms 10 to 15 refer to both sides of the self. In this case, the distance between the elements should not exceed 20-25 cm.

When the drawing is made competent, very easily calculated total length used for system hot water pipes. After measuring it in Scheme, multiplies the scale on exposed, with respect to floor area. If you have no experience compiling drawings, something to work better to attract specialist.Selection of pipes for floor heating

The perfect solution

If you look at all of the articles above, we can say, that the best pipe for underfloor heating - Copper. But most of the performers are moving away from their side due to the complexity and high cost of installation. In the presence of the corresponding budget, better still pay attention to them.

What pipes for floor heating have a high prevalence of? Here are the leading plastic pipes. All due to the low cost, as well as easy installation. All fittings can be joined without welding. In addition, interest is and plastic products, which are distinguished by the absence of the layer of aluminum. true, their properties and quality somewhat reduced.

It is difficult to say categorically, for underfloor heating pipe, which is better. Here, everything is connected with a particular heating device system, as well as the specified requirements to them. Prior to the beginning of all work to help can come a specialist in this area, and a consultant from the building store. No hurry when buying should not be. It is better to consider all possible options and weigh the pros and cons.






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