the main / Floor / Warm floor / Water floor heating / Permissible thickness of the screed over underfloor heating

Permissible thickness of the screed over underfloor heating

Subject to the requirements and technology base of the device of warm water floor, the whole construction to get a quality, and at the same time will send the required level of heat inside the room. But the process is very time consuming and requires specific knowledge, without which it is very difficult to do. When water settles floor screed thickness should pay particular attention. It is arranged on top of the pipe system, as well as the entire construction of the warm floor water. Recommendations for the device comes not only from experts in this area, but also from manufacturers, depending on the mixtures of components, used in the.


usual strainer It provides in almost every room, where to align the base for subsequent flooring planks. Besides, it turns smooth surface, the thickness of the concrete screed floor heating performs other functions:

  • You can produce any type of deck flooring.The thickness of the screed water underfloor
  • It allows you to evenly distribute the load of furniture, household appliances and other equipment for the entire plane.
  • The design gives a very reliable and durable, the ability to withstand significant loads, and not only from the constant distance.

It is typical for underfloor heating can be isolated and further its properties:

  • The protection circuit of the system from external influence.
  • Heat transfer from the piping with the coolant over the entire surface uniformly. Comfort and coziness in the room with the heating provided.
  • "Mediator" in the heat transfer from the pipe to the air indoors.
  • The ability to withstand temperature variations as appropriate.
  • Long service life with the technology of laying, without damaging themselves tubes water floor heating system.The thickness of the screed water underfloor

To really get the best quality of the screed and the whole floor construction, should strictly follow the instructions and the phasing of the work. In this case, a lot of attention paid to the preparatory activities, because the circuit can not be placed on a curved base with fluctuations. So what should be screed thickness underfloor heating?

optimal parameters

Thickness pouring water floor heating will depend on many parameters, each of which has a certain degree of influence. To get started is to decide on all "pie" warm floor.

If there are differences of crude base heights, should make arrangements for its alignment. Sometimes it will be enough to bring down the significant projections and seal cracks. The thickness of the screed water underfloorBut if after that it will not fit, it is better to pour rough screed. It will serve as an additional barrier against heat loss. It allowed only a slight height difference on the surface for laying the heating surface, no more 10 mm.

After leveling the surface can proceed to the deck layer heater. Most often selected in its expanded polystyrene as, showing all the possible quality in service. Its thickness is usually sufficient to 40-50 mm. When it comes to the northern regions of the country with constant negative temperatures, it is best to resort to the choice of the thickness of up to 100 mm. It is the latter thickness of the insulation will be needed when the device floor heating on the ground floor, when located at the bottom of the basement without heating. Neither one degree the temperature should not be lost in vain.The thickness of the screed water underfloor

It is worth noting, that is specially designed mats for insulation of floor heating have a "boss" (slots), in which the selected step can be placed Warm water floor pipe. The thickness of the screed water underfloorLaying process becomes much easier, spend less time on the device is just "pie". In their absence satisfied layer reinforcement metal mesh, to which the conduit is mounted by means of special fasteners. Fasteners can without difficulty be purchased at any hardware store. Usually the thickness of the entire grid does not exceed 4-5 mm. All will depend on the material and diameter of cells. Therefore, the permissible screed thickness over underfloor heating will not change.

further there pipeline laying, which also has its diameter. It is worth noting, that the thickness of the pipeline is not in a maximum thickness of the screed floor heating for the reason, that its upper loop must be closed completely fill a particular layer. The height of the pipes is typically up to 20-25 mm, depending on the inside diameter of the pipe.

Income up to a maximum

In addition to the minimum limits necessary to think about the options, above which rise is not worth while screed water underfloor heating. The thickness of the screed water underfloorThe maximum thickness of the screed above warm water may be provided only in exceptional cases and under certain circumstances. No one would not advise to do more than fill layer 150-170 mm. Otherwise, not only will spend large amounts of money to buy materials, and the effectiveness of the work of underfloor heating will not be any. Warming warm floor screed will take a lot of time, which will lead to cost overruns heating resources.

Among the exclusive device for this maximum ties thickness over underfloor heating can be called a monolithic structure, when pouring the solution at the same time serves as the foundation structure. It also applies to the specific premises, which are created during the operation of a serious load on the basis of. These include garage structure, parking spaces in buildings, etc..

Another option selection maximum ties thickness Warm water floor - very uneven base with a large number of pits and projections. The thickness of the screed water underfloorIn such a case would have to use the tie to make leveling. But alignment is best done until, when to begin the installation of water floor heating. This will considerably reduce the costs of the works, and create better conditions for space heating. Moreover layer here alignment You can be accomplished using backfill as LECA, which will be cheaper, than pouring concrete. Additionally Heated floor screed according to the maximum thickness will be executed more quickly and with less effort.

Recommendations on the device

There are minimal parameters of the device ties floor heating, which starts from the upper edge of the pipe system level. This index starts at 30 mm. When used for underfloor heating pipes with diameters 16 mm, You need to make the layer screed least 50 mm. But for that specific requirements and conditions must be met. After all, the minimum limits for the fill layer can withstand only minor loads of furniture and people walking in the room.

The unevenness of the warm-floor heating can be caused by certain factors. If we make the minimum pouring warm water screed floor and thus choose large pipe laying on the subfloor, then the surface will not be able to warm up equally over the whole plane. It will be clearly visible, if the floor heating use a thermal imager. He will point to those areas, who receive little or no heat.

Almost every expert will tell about, we have to do screed, least 70 mm from the base, together with the conduit, to get a really high quality. Consequently, over by the heating pipes should create a tie with a thickness of at least 20 – 30 mm. In this case, the base will withstand even the location of the bulky furniture. heat distribution over the entire surface will be perfect.The thickness of the screed water underfloor

some deem, that matter, that the fill layer will be large, and the need to increase the capacity of the system operation warm water floor. In this case one can encounter inertance, a disadvantage. The resulting design will be warm for longer time, so too cool. This will cause, that is practically impossible to use the automatic sensors, to regulate the temperature level inside the room.

ties under the tile size

To get started is to decide on the, exactly what tubes They will be selected for the installation of underfloor heating. High quality and durability have metal pipes, but still more interest is XLPE pipes. They are able to withstand thermal stresses and also have high strength.The thickness of the screed water underfloor

More expensive options - copper pipe and stainless steel pipe. Quality to them, no one will be able to compete not, but here the price immediately repels. In any case, the choice is for the performer. Quality in this technology earlier paid a lot of attention, since the entire system can be created for decades.

For tiles There are some principles of underfloor heating installation, which must be taken into account:

  • Before laying the pipeline should lay a layer of insulation. This applies to the first floors of buildings, as well as the floors above the basement without fail.
  • The screed must have not only reliable quality, but also good thermal conductivity, that there was a higher work efficiency.The thickness of the screed water underfloor

Following the completion of successive steps of the surface conditioning circuit to the deck, we come directly to the screed. And then immediately the question arises about, what should be screed on floor heating. Filling is done in compliance with all. As a result, should get a really smooth surface. Even if certain irregularities, they can be hide by using tile adhesive. But in this case, slightly increase the total thickness of pipeline in the room heating system.

The maximum thickness of the screed floor warm water will influence the material chosen for the deck. We recommend using tiles with a thickness of no more than 10 mm.

The result may turn out completely different layer not only fills, but additionally tile adhesive and the tile itself over circuit. Should not more questions arise, what screed should be over the warm floor.

Nuances happy Neighborhood

To tile fell on the fine structure warm water floor while carrying the whole efficiency of the use of, certain subtleties must be provided.

It is worth noting, that when the device is in the base tile for finishing surface would require some more time, than in the normal mode. After laying the tiles need to wait for the time, until completely dry concrete screed, arranged on top pipeline underfloor heating. After completion of the laying of tiles on a concrete surface would have to wait for another order 2-3 weeks, until completely dry adhesive. The thickness of the screed water underfloorDuring all this time to include in the operating position of the water floor system can not be. Otherwise it deforms itself and flooring will have to carry out the work again.

The choice of adhesive is also essential. Regular glue will not work, since in the process of heating the base of the floor heating system it will lose its quality and deteriorate. Begin peeling tiles even after a month or two after the completion of the deck flooring. The adhesive composition should be selected specifically for the floor heating and nothing else. After all, it includes a special plasticisers, improves the quality and reliability.

In any case it is very important to provide the optimal thickness of the screed warm water under floor tiles. This will get the best efficiency in the operation of the system and feel comfortable at any time of the year. It should be based on the average for the fill. Maximum screed over water underfloor heating can be arranged only in separate and very rare cases.

No harm will pay attention to the manufacturers' recommendations when using ready-made dry mix. The optimal parameters are prescribed for selecting screed thickness.






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