When buying their own homes in the new apartment, everyone wants to have almost ideal accommodation with all the trimmings. But this happens very rarely. Often, especially the eye falls on the subfloor, where subsequently carried flooring decking. concrete floors can not please evenness and surface strength, which leads to the need for quality repair. Of course, you can do without it, but later all defects manifest themselves, and money spent will be much more.
the need for repair
Repairs will be needed in the building almost immediately. Unlikely to be executed screed quality at a decent level. cracks appeared, potholes on the instrument, and other external factors will not allow to perform quality paving on the floor. Besides, due to poor solution casting manifested increased dustiness, which will only increase.
It is worth noting, that at the initial stage it is best to repair the individual sections of the concrete floor, than with the passage of time to carry out the dismantling of the floor covering and arrange capital. For floor leveling in the new building will have to buy the necessary materials and tools, which will depend on the specific form of execution.
Selection of ties
When you need to know about, how to line the floor of the new building, then to start is to think about choosing a particular option screed. Much will depend on the choice of the floor covering, its specific type. The choice will have an impact also ties the room itself, floor condition. Technology must fully comply with the desired result in the end. Roughing screed in the apartment may be performed in the following embodiments:
- The use of specialized blends. They need to shut the water before pouring on the subfloor. In this way, performed cement-sand mixture floor screed.
- adjustable floor. lags are used here, to line the floor of the new building. Logs can be made from sheets of plywood or other sheet materials. Their height will depend on the quality and evenness of the base.
- dry screed, presented in the form of special plates.
Before the beginning solution casting on the subfloor in a building or repairs divided portion, should make every effort to prepare it for use. All available with a dust debris is removed, What can I use the vacuum cleaner construction. Available "embroidered" crack, increase in volume for a better grip.
Note the presence of reinforcement in slabs or floors drenched screed. it must be clean when projecting portions, to get rid of metal corrosion, if there is one. Subsequently, it will operate with the floor covering for a long time.
removal of potholes
Before, how laying of the subfloor will be performed, you can try to repair some parts, which were damaged before delivery of the dwelling in the building. In addition, they are beginning to emerge, and in violation of the technology to implement the concrete floor screed. In such a case, the perimeter surface damage existing incision made rectangular with a depth of no more than 20 mm. Here, as a tool perfectly suited Bulgarian, equipped with a diamond blade. damaged areas screed They must be completely removed prior to the next stage.

Remove debris and dust, pothole together with the resultant recess is filled with a solution of. But this has to be specialized for the repair of, which can be purchased at any hardware store. Leveling the floor portion relative to the rest of the regulation is carried out. For full polymerization of the composition must pass a set time. It often can be found on the packaging of a working mixture. After this time, the strength becomes highest. You can begin to surface grinding. The optimal option in each case - the use of specialized equipment, which significantly shorten the time of the floor repair in new building.
Freedom from cracks
As soon as we came into a new home and noticed on the basis of a concrete floor even minor cracks, should immediately begin to repair the subfloor. This will avoid the appearance of serious damage to the remaining portions. In addition, the inside can get not only the moisture, but also dust, causing the destruction of the concrete structure.
It is impossible to produce any type of deck flooring on the base with the existing cracks. In the following will the destruction not only of the screed, but the flooring structure.
Start of work on the removal of cracks should start with their jointing. Depending on the size of the crack will vary and he cut off 20 to 50 mm. All edges and she cracks should be cleaned of debris and dirt. Do not be amiss to perform priming compositions based on epoxy or polyurethane. This will increase the level of adhesion of poured concrete repair mortar.
After filling the crack with a mixture of, biding time to shrink mortar layer. frozen, solution was covered with another layer. In the end, will only perform surface grinding and removal of minor irregularities in the surface. Repair floor The procedure will depend on the number of defects in floor screed, conditions of their elimination.
There are metal braces, specifically designed to eliminate the long cracks. But here, the installation process does not take a lot of time and money. Technology everywhere must be followed to obtain a positive result. All these details will allow to get an answer, how to line the floor of the new building.
The elimination of irregularities
Not always the floor in the new building will be the same as the level. Irregularities can not be excluded even if the independent performance of the fill, not to mention the already electric. View the entire room immediately deteriorate, as the main consideration when it enters the room falls on the floor. Align floor In this case you can with the help of the milling machine.
Upon detection of irregularities of a concrete floor, should determine the sequence of floor repairs. The first is the deepening of the irregularities on the spot. Will be sufficient and 10 mm from the surface section does not, and a measured level of the floor. These concepts differ and are especially. There is also used a primer to improve adhesion of the solution with a base, that covers the entire repair area. Thus it is necessary to dilute the primer mixture with a solvent or with solvent. The proportions must be respected in relation 1 to 10.
Once everything is completely dry, you can start to prepare a solution and poured them all the surface. Alignment of the mixture is performed by means of regulations or rail. At the end of the drying can be oshlifovat concrete floor.
A large amount of dust
Due to the poor performance of works on the device floor screed can be faced with increased dust levels in the room. It all comes from the ground and rises. Breathe and generally be in the room becomes problematic. Even wet cleaning will not allow to cope with such a problem. It requires high-quality repair of apartments walls and screed.
It is the best option in this case - the use of special paints or compositions. It can be a variety of impregnation from leading manufacturers.
For repairs only need to put them in several layers on the surface of the concrete floor and leave to dry. The compositions can easily penetrate to a depth of ties 5-6 mm, creating a protective dome. This allows us to reduce the appearance of dust in the future to a minimum threshold.
using such compositions for work, Floor surface becomes more attractive in appearance. Some of them have additional quality, ability to withstand the increase and decrease of the ambient temperature, resist wear. Such a foundation is able to serve for a long time. But it is worth paying attention to specific premises, wherein such methods can be applied. Often this is a bathroom and WC. But if you use a protective primer, the scope of the few expanding.
All repairs to the floor in the apartment have its own quirks. Each of them requires attention and strict adherence to technology, workflows. This method is popular due to the simplicity of the work, as well as low total cost. true, in the latter case will depend on the purchased material.
make an error
Not everyone knows about, floor screed, at what stage of the repair is to be performed. Of course, it is best to provide all kinds of dirty work of this phase, and after the start pouring. But in any case, must be fully respected technology, to avoid problems with surface quality and strength. In the implementation of leveling the base floor in a new building can be allowed serious mistakes.
- Not always exactly the acquired compounds and mixtures, which is necessary for a particular type of repair. There are no universal materials, capable of providing an excellent result. Even the same manufacturer has a huge range of material depending on the type of screed, conditions of performance, premises and other things.
- Deficient adhesion with the base solution is due to the presence of grease, stains of paint or putty. In the future, it can lead to cracks and destruction of the floor covering. Preparation of the base should be given as much time and attention.
- To improve the quality of the adhesion surface to be prime. But many forget about it. That will have a peelable floor with lots of cracks. It does not help even finishing. If the base to the same loose, the process better in two, and even three layers.
- Perform any floor screed is good. But not everyone knows about, how to line the floor of the building quality. Single execution result in premature drying of the prepared solution. So it is best to get an assistant. It is the timing and are key using the self-leveling compounds.
- Very important step of selecting a floor covering. At the same time it draws attention to the level of the floor screed in new building. If in the same room will tile, and in the second - laminate, the fill level should be somewhat different, depending on the thickness of the material used. In this case, you can not perform the screed on the same level throughout the room. It is important here to take into account the thickness of the "warm floor".
- Before laying topcoat should wait technological break. These terms are reserved by the manufacturer and indicated in the instructions to the mixture. If the time frame is limited, and the compositions should acquire appropriate - with a fast curing.
- We can not forget about the protection of the screed after pouring from drafts and direct sunlight. Without this solution will dry unevenly, and once again begin to manifest defects.
When the floor leveling and repair of separate sites, should strictly adhere to the technology. Only in this case the final result will please everyone.