the main / Floor / Leveling the floor / Construction of the sexes / Methods of alignment of the sub-floor with small level differences

Methods of alignment of the sub-floor with small level differences

There are situations when you need to quickly and inexpensively to align the old floor under the laminate. Flooring embodiments device may be a large number of. But all of them will have a concrete foundation, which will have to align. It can be a tree, concrete foundation. Draft of the floor must be fitted to the maximum to a smooth and horizontal, to subsequently perform finishing. The floor covering can be laid on the old coating. But over time, problems can occur, such as a wooden floor creaking, manifesting potholes and protrusions of the concrete base. With this will have to cope by the removal of the coating and leveling performance. To get rid of the process, subfloor must be leveled previously.

There is a need

some deem, that produce alignment subfloor not necessary, as it seems at first glance. In their view the new coating will hide all the flaws and errors of the base. With any floor covering over time, if it is placed on an uneven surface, will fail, lose their properties and qualities. Appearance will be spoiled and have to resort to repair. It is worth noting, especially soft coating requires flatness. Allowed height difference, but not more, than 2 mm. the meter. So, eg, laminate, high differential, may swell.

Particularly popular alignment subfloors of plywood sheets using, preparing a self-leveling compounds, floor sanding, as well as the filler. The latter serves as the basis of a conventional PVA glue.

The curvature of the wooden floor

Before starting work, should be determined, how much of the curve subfloor and what should be done to correct it. Curvature coefficient of the floor will have an impact on the longevity and quality of the flooring over time. If you take the material, as laminate, it can not be laid directly on the wood foundation. Under the influence of changes in temperature and humidity in a room, boards can crack, lose strength, crack. This all affects the state of the laminate. You can get information about, as Line floor without breaking the board. But in this case, they themselves must be in excellent condition.

For this reason it is necessary to produce alignment layer. All power to him, and will be transferred. Pre surface inspected for damage and formations mold. These areas must be removed and replaced with new ones. When it's all done, We need to take the level and make all the measurements.

sub-floor leveling

To operate these tools can be used:

  1. Rotary laser level. To determine the differential floor height, a simple rake.
  2. bubble level. The curvature is determined at applying this instrument to the base. If the bubble stays in the center position, then you can proceed to the next stage, because floor level. If he begins to slide left or right, you will have to make an effort to create a flat surface. But it has a low accuracy in areas with large areas.
  3. Line Laser Level.

The choice of the instrument will depend on the capabilities and needs. If the work is one-time in the same room, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money, and take an ordinary bubble level.

alignment plywood

The most convenient material can be called plywood. sub-floor levelingRough surface with their use becomes almost perfectly flat. In any case, the final coating can be laid without any zadumok. The floor can be raised in such a case, the 20-30 mm. During execution of work expended minimum number of tools and material, and the process is easy and fast. In the future, you can even make linoleum flooring or other soft materials. But be sure to produce floor repair in the apartment with his hands in stages. Deviations from the installation technology should be no, to get the desired result.

Humidity plywood sheets used must comply with the humidity in the room. To reach such a result can be achieved by wetting of both sides of sheets, and then leave them in the room for about 2-3 day. After this time, you can begin to work.

Before the beginning alignment subfloor should check all communications, since then it will be difficult to reach them. So you should find out, everything is there to fully work, and that should be corrected. At the same time pay attention to the necessary level of air circulation in the space under the floor. In this paper are the following steps:

  1. installation log. These here acts as plywood strips of thickness to 5 cm. fixing is carried out by means of adhesive or screws. In the formation between the old and the floor joists gaps, They are sealed with pieces of plywood or wood. sub-floor levelingAll logs must be installed on a level, to eventually obtain a flat surface.
  2. To sheets of plywood it was convenient to mount, they are cut in a size identical elements 60*60 cm. The most important thing is to pay attention to the bundle ends. When you see such sites, it is best to replace the item to another, because the quality is already markedly reduced.
  3. Since the base is removed all the debris and dust.
  4. Laying squares plywood. The joints of the sheets should be carried out only on the exposed joists. Therefore, that the pre-sheet to be laid on the surface, pronumerovanы. This will facilitate the process of leveling the subfloor.
  5. Fastening sheets carried out by means of screws, with countersunk head.

In some cases, the cap screws can still protrude slightly. To avoid this is to pre-drill the plywood sheets slight larger diameter hole.

All subsequent actions will depend on, a flooring plank will. Carpet covered with plywood not one, and several layers of lacquer. Under stacked laminate substrate. Linoleum flooring for several veneers are ground using grinder. Particular attention in this case refers to the joints of the plywood squares, as well as the site of attachment of screws.sub-floor leveling

Using homemade putty for sex

Many say, we the floor is very expensive. But there is a very cheap option to align the old wooden parquet floor with small differences of level. For such varianta- use fillings with sawdust. sub-floor levelingThe area for work can be significantly.

Pre thoroughly cleaned surface from any debris. Sawdust used in lightly moistened. This is necessary in order, that there was no quick absorption of moisture from the PVA. Shpatlevanie technology includes the steps of:

  • Fatten strips on the subfloor, which acts as a lighthouses. Here necessarily apply in the level of.
  • The resulting space between the rails should be filled with sawdust PVA. Several stages provided for greater alignment layer. The one-stop order is filled 10-20 this solution mm. sub-floor levelingAll other layers can be applied only in the case, if the previous is completely dry. There must be a complete shrinkage.
  • using a level, verified horizontal surface.

Among the disadvantages of this option alignment rough layer can distinguish the duration of drying of all previous layers of fillings. This is a great way to tie instead of a floor in the apartment. But the coating becomes less stable compared with other variants, despite the large amount of time spent.

Self-leveling mixture

Remove any old paint on the floor, it should make a thorough alignment. The same goes for cases, when it is necessary to create a flat surface after parquet. There are some features and subtleties of work. But it is very important to study the technology and explore moments, how to align the floor after removal of parquet. Among the new ways you can use to allocate self-leveling compounds. The formulation was diluted to a liquid state by adding water, and then distributed over the entire surface of the subfloor, where to align. The result is a solid foundation, elastic, smooth, intended for finishing.sub-floor leveling

In any case, you should take steps to prepare before installation. There is not important, carried floor fill a first floor or other. The sequence of work and technology is no different. True ground floor needs more attention, If the basement is located beneath. There is further need to arrange a layer of waterproofing, to protect screed from mold or fungi.

Acrylic mass used for sealing gaps on the broad surface. Remains of old paint, nail polish should be removed, since they can subsequently have a negative impact on the alignment layer.

The slits can be stopped self leveling mixture, but it is necessary to bring to a thick cream. Prior to the full alignment of the cycle will have to wait a while to dry.

Primer protection from moisture is applied to the base after the debris removal and complete preparation. This increases the level of adhesion with the floor mixture. The walls are insulated on the bottom using a construction adhesive tape. According to it, a mark is made, by which to produce the finished casting mixture. If carried out with the filling adjacent spaces, the strip is installed at the entrance, not admitting the flow of solution therein.

When exposed at the bottom level of the walls of scotch, it should be remembered that, that it should not be less than the minimum thickness for future ties. sub-floor levelingWhen allocating solution reinforcement mesh to be used, which is placed on the base. Her attachment can be performed staple gun.

to agitate mixture it is best to use a drill with paddle. In this case, it should follow the instructions from the manufacturer. After kneading given time for settling for about 15 minutes. Further re-kneading a mixture made.

Self-leveling It is distributed over the entire surface. To use the mop can be used with rubber base. If there are air bubbles are removed they mop with spikes, that should be the length of more than, than the thickness of the fill.

In the process of drying the same temperature the mixture is maintained. There are disadvantages in such mixtures - floor level rises. But that is not insured any alignment option. So that should not be there to pay special attention. Yet the advantages of the method more, which causes concern among artists.

Planing for wood floor

Everyone should know about, as align old parquet floor. After removal of the floor covering surface defects remain, and the old base errors occur. From this it follows rid. The most time-consuming process - planing. sub-floor levelingBut the effectiveness of visible immediately. The work can be done on their own and with their own hands. The easiest and fastest option - mechanical scraping, on which he should fix his attention.

In the process, there is a large amount of fine dust. That it had no effect on the furnishings in the apartment, it is best to close them with a protective film. On the old wooden floor completely hammered nail heads, that simply is recessed into the base. Process tsiklevaniya represents a sequence of the following steps:

  1. Work is carried out a snake from one corner to the opposite.
  2. When the first layer is removed, formed cracks are sealed with putty. Its color is best to choose the same, used as a floor covering.
  3. When the putty harden completely, can continue scraping.
  4. Using a hand corner tsiklevatel, We perform work in confined spaces, including around baseboards.
  5. When the dust settles completely, It uses a vacuum cleaner to its collection and disposal of garbage. After that, the wooden floor is wiped with a damp cloth, which had previously been soaked in a solvent. In the end, will only apply varnish on the treated base.

Upon detection of one side of the board damage, it can be flipped to the other. It sets it to the same place. Can, of course, replace it with a new, but the color is noticeably different from other boards.

These are all steps that prompt, how to align wooden floor. We'll have a little bit to make efforts, but in the end it will turn out really flat surface for subsequent flooring of any kind of floor covering.

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Without this be can not. The choice will depend on the specific situation, to carry out the alignment of the sub-floor. Much will depend on the financial situation and timing. But by example semi-dry floor screed, you can get a really flat surface, which will last for a long time. It is due to long service life, many do not spare money to conduct a decent repair.






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